D.I. Keith Fowler

Nobody has cracked it, yet.

Does this mean that for a short while, Kevin Bacon was one degree of Kevin Bacon away from Kevin Bacon?

You’d think they’d at least have the decency to cast, film and edit the show before making sure no one ever sees it.

Please stay for a while, Ignatiy! Great to have you back.

First a Rabin My World Of Flops article, then a Will Harris Random Roles piece, and now an Ignatiy review? Whatever year we’ve time traveled to, let’s stay there please.

Welcome back, Oliver! I’m glad you’re back. It’s hard finding good comics writing on the internet that isn’t a listicle haven (not that I’m not occasionally guilty of clicking on them).

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky! I would LOVE for him to come back. Oh, he was SO savage in his reviews and in such a fun way. If I could frame that review for “Contract to Kill” and hang it up, I would.

Nah you don’t sound mean at all. Maybe English mean, but not mean-mean

Pretty sure you mean “the daughter of A Talking Cat!?! star Eric Roberts.”

They’ve been doing better lately.

I’ll read anything she writes, but I’ll be thrilled if she revisits the world of Strange and Norell; at one point she said she was working on a story that would focus on the lower class members of that world.

Nothing like a Will Harris Random Roles!


I wonder if Zane knows there’s a whole contingent of women (many of whom I work with) that think Rose was a stone-cold idiot for choosing Leo over Billy.

Welcome back (again), Will.

Um, go run out and watch the series. It’s literally one of the best adaptations I’ve ever seen. The changes they make are very smart to help tell the story, nothing done just for the hell of it.

He was so damn good. He was in the best Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie -he elevated what is always a (very clever) B movie plot. And - amazing in Klute, in M*A*S*H, in Ordinary People... just in everything. I’m sure, as with any working actor, some of his jobs were for the paycheck only, but you couldn’t prove

The new season of Doctor Who probably deserves to be included though it is a pretty good list & there aren’t shows that are glaringly undeserving to be on it that jump out at me

Tangentially related: I used to listen to Chris Hardwick’s various podcasts years ago and he used to say “oh, I adooore [person/franchise/pop culture thing]” a lot. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that phrase, but same thing, it always sounded weird and off-putting. This has been on my mind for years.

Just handed in a film script that I think may be the funniest and best thing I’ve ever worked on...” doesn’t mean a whole lot coming from Josh Gad.

When comment sections were being shut down at Root and Jezebel and AVC was circling towards shallow clickbait nonsense, I assumed that was going to be pretty much it and I’d have to find something else to do with my online pop culture time.  This is my favorite website and I feel like it’s gotten a pardon from