D.I. Keith Fowler

I’m 49 and I went to my first opera last year, Iolanthe by Gilbert and Sullivan, and I really enjoyed it, but by the end I felt like I had no urge to repeat the experience and I still can’t figure out why.

I know for certain that parts of the story were changed as Gadd was already a pretty successful comedian in 2014 when I saw his show Cheese And Crackwhores at the Soho Theatre (https://www.comedy.co.uk/fringe/2013/richard_gadd/), so the idea that he was a struggling unknown wasn’t true. Which initially didn’t bother

It seems insane to me that there hasn’t been a successful trial win against Spacey. I worked as an assistant stage manager for six years in London (on fringe plays rather than West End shows) but even then many of the actors I worked with had Spacey stories, the majority of which were related to how turning down his

I’ve had this installed for years now - https://ublockorigin.com/ - and it makes the internet as a whole a much less annoying place.

Bill Murray was almost but not quite cancelled a while back, so right now I bet he’s not turning down any big studio pictures while he hopes people forget just how many people called him out on being an arsehole. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/10/everyone-who-has-publicly-accused-bill-murray-of-misconduct


Sam was paid to write it, yeah, indeed I think he’s the last of the writers who worked for the site when everyone was told they had to either relocate or they’d lose their jobs, and when that happened many other contributors refused to work for the site any more even though it cost them a great deal of money. So as

It’s like they’re all trying to copy Sean O’Neill’s brand of snark but forgetting that his humour was also often pretty absurdist, and he also wrote straight news stories about films or tv that really excited or interested him.

Now whenever I read an AV Club news story I hear it as if it’s an MTV VJ from the 90's

I think it echoes the problems between Ireland and Northern Ireland, so surely the best solution would be that all those from Israel move to Ireland (and there’s lots of space to build new homes, etc) while everyone from Palestine relocates to Northern Ireland, and yes, this clearly is a plan that simply can’t go

Fantastic Four? Nah, I want the Fantastic Faux, which is a wildly entertaining series that deserved to be made in to a film.

Harry made the mistake of marrying someone he wasn’t related to, and realised that The Firm, as they’re often referred to in the UK, was a ****ing miserable and horrendous group of individuals he needed to get away from.

I’m not saying Harry has never done anything wrong in his life, in fact I’m sure there’s a hell of

Taken out of context, “ Grover, my favorite of the SS puppets” is a terrifying sentence.

When I discovered The AV Club it was all down to Sean O’Neill’s writing, and I don’t think I ever realised how good we had it until everything went wrong. But he really did an incredible job making some very mundane stories enjoyable to read, day after day after day, and it was via his writing that I discovered that he

In the past year or so I’ve almost completely lost interest in watching tv bar a few exceptions (Doctor Who, The Curse, the terribly named UK sitcom Big Boys). I used to be a complete tv addict and check out at least one episode of any new (reasonably rated) series, but now I just can’t be arsed. I’m sure there’s some

I’m not sure if they produced it but Netflix is the distributor for El Conde, which I watched recently and absolutely loved.

I really liked it too, and unlike many I preferred the second season to the first, quite possibly because I loved Tituss Burgess’s role in it.

Exactly, and Lou Ferrigno’s still out there - shove a nice wig on, surgically remove his genitals, and give him hormone therapy, and you’ve got your all brand new She Hulk!

I know everyone’s going mad for Oppenheimer at the moment but for it to win Best Visual Effects seems insane, there’s a couple of sequences which use them and the way it captured the explosion seems to have been the biggest complaint I’ve read in many reviews. Either way, to say they’re better than something like Spide

I really loved Boy Swallows Universe but then I bought Dalton’s second book and quit after two hundred pages (and with another two hundred to go), it just felt like it’d got stuck at a specific point and didn’t know how to get past it. Anyhow, I’ll still definitely check out the tv version of the novel, and hope they

I loved the first two seasons of Succession, but two episodes in to the third and I stopped enjoying it, these were awful people treating others terribly and it started affecting me negatively. Which is weird I know as that describes the first two seasons as well, but out of the blue I just felt like I didn’t want to

Huh, when I go to notifications it says I don’t exist. So I just want to do a quick test by posting here.

Also, I forgot about the Tippytoes movie. I am a monster.