
"I know."

Yooouuu killled me, Liissaaaaaa.

You know, after 6 generations of Pokemon, I'm coming to terms with the idea that I'm just not cut out for this level of video game geekery. Every time it's like, "This time I'm catching 'em ALL, and collecting some sick SHINIES while I'm at it!," but then before you know it I've beat the Elite 4 and totally can't be

I would sell my soul for tickets to an Indigo-Gos gig.

But you guys, it's like, life… dreams… hope… Where'd they come from? And where are they headed…?

Get a load of the Midi-Chlorians in that kid!

You don't get it, you guys. Teti's in beast mode.

Haha telegraph avenue totally sux tho.

Oh my god I think I'm going to have to watch this naked.

LOL @ the exercise of judging Beeb's recent output.

Obviously you need the hat. Like, obviously you NEED that.

So this is how Hayden Christensen's career dies. With thunderous applause.

I think you mean, tʃk.tʃk.tʃk