People don't give Skyward Sword's dungeons enough credit imo. There was a lot of creativity in there. Both temples in the desert area are among my favorites in the series, esp. the pirate ship.
People don't give Skyward Sword's dungeons enough credit imo. There was a lot of creativity in there. Both temples in the desert area are among my favorites in the series, esp. the pirate ship.
I think the only part people really struggle with is finding the passage under the platform once the water raises it. The one in the central column. If that wasn't there, I don't think people would remember it as being as hard as they do, even with all the level changing.
Dude, beating him with Din's Fire doesn't count, everybody knows that.
Totally. The argument that it's easier for her to do this because she's rich and famous has always been baffling to me. It would take buttloads more bravery to do this, I would have thought, if you're in the public eye.
And she STOLE a BOAT!
Total meet cute.
I think this notion that Sansa, the woman, is raped just to motivate Theon, the man, ignores everything that Theon himself has gone through. Yes, few characters have been put through the ringer like Sansa has (which is why I always had reservations about slotting her into the Jeyne Poole role), but one the few…
Oh man. His face when she said, "I don't think you're right about that" summed up all 7 seasons of Don for me.
For me I think it works the same whether Don wrote it or somebody else did. I definitely thought there was something unsettling about how fake it felt juxtaposed with those scenes at the camp, where we saw people having these real and meaningful experiences. I don't think we're meant to think Don found his happy place…
Dudes. That scene where Don started hugging that Leonard guy. Hauntingly beautiful. Mad Men's always had me welling up throughout its run, but that scene sent me sobbing like a baby. Farewell, sweet prince.
When you're climbin' up a mountain
it keeps runnin' like a fountain
diarrhea! *pbbt pbbt* Diarrhea!
If that's the audience it's written for, then it's critical enough of them that they're exactly the ones who should be watching.
Dude, please.
The AV Club
Just fleshy blips in some meaningless stew of cosmic oblivion.
Heartbroken Rocko's Modern Life didn't get runner-up R.
Jeremy looks way too much like Aaron Rodgers. Once you see it this episode gets weeeird.
SSB4 for the 3DS, because brawling 1-on-1, For Glory, is how you know you're a Man, and it's a game for Men. My Peach cannot be beat.
Yeah that's well put. Pretty misguided of him IMO to lash out at Koenig, when obviously she'd been very careful not to implicate Jay at any point, obviously very careful to be balanced in general. I think if I were him I'd feel like the Redditors needed to be told, but going after Koenig is just going to look…
Jeez Rhys Darby is lame. As if most people don't know about Hitchhiker's Guide already.