Son of B Natural

I'm disappointed with how "blah" Sisters looks, because Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are both great in pretty much everything. But I guess not everything can be golden.

Oh jeez! And will they have heartfelt conversations about "having it all"? If this reboot has to happen at all, I sincerely hope they keep the original in mind and just make them a team of slightly bumbling geniuses on a mission. You know, Ghostbusters!

Ya know, I wondered about that too. It would make a kind of sense that the original team would have, by this point, either retired and passed the torch to a new generation, or—if the supernatural presence in the world was great enough—licensed their tech and name to franchisees. This team of Ghostbusters could be

I watched "Wet Hot American Summer". I actually liked it better than the original movie, though I'm not sure if most others would agree. The difference there is that the series was the product of the same creative team that made the film, so there was a logical through-line there. "Ghostbusters" it would seem is

Yeah, that is kind of unfortunate. Though not particularly surprising for 1984, I guess.

That's part of what worries me about this. Not the women, the women are fine. Rather, I worry that this will be yet another generic, effects-driven action comedy that retains none of the unique qualities of the original films.


But HE didn't record "Scream".

I get that. It's kind of an odd choice to play all these years later. I think its relative outlier status in their catalog might be what I've grown to like about it.

Does anyone really want a new Ghostbusters movie? I know Hollywood is remake/reboot/prequel/sequel/whatever-happy, but this one for some reason really confuses me. What's the point of it? Who's clamoring for more Ghostbusters?

Does that mean Chris Cornell is the Devil?

Yes! I never thought much of Drawing Flies until recently. Now I can't figure how I overlooked it so long. It's awesome!

A lot of the Seattle bands really were pretty dorky and goofy, not at all how the rock media of the time liked to portray them.

Yeah, Soundgarden have definitely always had an issue with editing themselves. Their albums are very good, but also can be *very* tiring to listen to start to finish.

Guess I don't really have much to add to the discussion here, but just wanted to chime in as one of the voices that is really enjoying "Supergirl". It started out kind of shaky, and it definitely still has some rough spots to smooth over, but for the most part it's improving each week.

Haven't been listening to my device this week. Instead, I've been using these strange discs the aliens left. Here then are my CD/records of the week. (I'm new to posting here, so if there's a better thread I can deposit this information, please let me know!)