
There is a website that gives LOGICAL INCREMENTS for PC builds, starting at ~$600 and going up to $5000. I wish I could remember it’s name, it would help you a lot. There are steps that make LOGICAL INCREMENTS for builds, and they are all nicely balanced for gaming.

That is a fine processor, but the point is that you could get a cheaper AMD or Intel and use the remaining budget on something that would have more impact, usually GPU or SSDs.

For real. I was reading this article and just thinking to myself, “Do they know that games are almost always GPU limited?”. You’d be better off 90% of the time getting the highest clocked i5 rather than an i7. Unless you are overclocking, then get a -K series, but you should know that if you know your way around a

Huh? They sit idle for hours at a time, then need to accelerate hard for at most 5 minutes. Sounds like a great use case for electric. If someone runs for more than a couple miles, they will have called in backup and gotten the heli to chase.

Therein lies the rub, you and I would love to have a MT but the people actually buying new cars off the lot don’t give a rip. Understandably, it’s hard to justify making cars that don’t sell.

Serious question, and I don’t mean it in a dickish way, did you buy your car new? By that, I mean not two year old model sitting in the dealer lot new, but current model year new?

4WD or AWD isn’t going to help in that situation anyway. You’d need actual winter tires for that. You may get moving with all seasons, but you sure as hell won’t stop. This past year in Wisconsin proved that quite well for tons of people.

Jokes on you! I don’t have children, and I’ll die out in the woods impaled on a tree, thank-you-very-much.

Dodge made a sweet 4wd van, and Ford still does. (Un)Surprisingly, with the same running gear as trucks, those vans can haul just as much.

Look at the trailer hitch! How much are these rated to tow in the EU?

That’s because it is the add on key fob!

Trump is claimed to be 1 inch taller than I am. I am 200 lbs now, but used to be 225. I don’t believe for one second that he is only 239.

Change your thinking about how it works. You aren’t turning the forks the opposite way, they will do that themselves. You are pushing the inside grip down and very slightly away from you, into the inside of the turn. Dirtbikes are exaggerated examples of this; look at this pro rider pushing the inside grip very, very

Maybe not a shortage of inventory, but unappealing inventory on hand. I was seriously looking at a VW Sportwagon, and no dealers within 250 miles had a car with the package combo I wanted, a base S with the 4motion. How can they sell cars when they don’t have good values on hand?

That’s one hot Tonale!

Maybe teach your children the importance of words, and how some have more weight than others? And *when* they use those words around you in an inappropriate context, you can use that as a teaching moment of how society reacts to those words...But no, it’s the unpaid workers that are the problem.

Awesome, now I can picture you as Tom Selleck. Action-ing deals all over for hot clients.

Wow, two people caused a death count higher than the civil war. I guess pulling troops out of the middle east is the best option with this slaughter going on! I had no idea...

My only gripe, and it’s a small one, is that the wheel proportions push this car towards looking more like a hot wheels car than a real drivers car.

I appreciate how many responses you are getting saying that your solution doesn’t make sense. Here’s two important points to those people 1) you already own two cars. 2) If it works, it’s not stupid