

Your words indicate that you’re awfully close to considering Republicans as sub-human. Please be very careful. If you’re not just engaging in hyperbole, you need to find some hobbies other than politics. There are good people in every place, party, and religion.

I’m sorry, let me make the same statement with “voluntary manslaughter” as the modifier. Or how about shoplifting and serial burglary, or careless arson and serial arson, etc.

Kinda hurts his case a bit when 1 of the two talkshows he mentions isn’t a talkshow at all.

He has a point. Harvey is a serial abuser. As far as we know right now (because 80 women haven’t come out against him), Hoffman was momentarily crude. What Hoffman did was wrong, but it doesn’t seem like it was behaviour he repeated throughout his career. There is a difference (a huge difference) between Harvey

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lindsay Graham look bitter about something. It would explain a lot if Lindsay Graham turned out to be a skin suit passed between various republicans.

Edit: That picture at the top is just what he looks like when no one is inside him.

Weasel sounds better though. I mean he could ferret his way but the metaphor lacks vigor. Mongoose his way sounds like submissive sex act so, I think weasel is the right call.

“We also indignantly rise in anger at being compared to the likes of Lindsey Graham”. - The World Wide Guild of Professional Toadies and Lickspittles

The problem with this fine whine is that O’Neal isn’t trivializing Trump. This post is both comic and outraged. As a wise man once said, it can be two things.

Or we could leave the 90 some year old lady alone and/or not be shocked when someone that age has values that don’t line up with current progressive dogma.

I doubt it was ‘deliberate,’ at least in the sense that it was meant to be malicious. But it is extremely tone-deaf when you take into consideration what 5 Points has gone through in its history.

Who says they are destroying that neighborhood? “Gentrification” doesn’t have to be a dirty word.

Some people love small talk. They talk about the weather, have whole philosophies about it, in depth discussions of the weather the last few days. Laugh at stuff that is CLEARLY not a joke. Actual conversation I heard:

This is gold, nothing tops letting imbeciles make imbeciles of themselves in public.


Wasn’t it essentially an episode of Curb too where the blind guy was picky about what the woman looked like? You could even go as far as to say it’s a Seinfeld bit where George didn’t want to be with a woman who was also bald. At their core they’re all the case of beggars being choosers.

Now playing

Supposed “controversy” aside, I was watching David’s monologue and felt insane deja vu about half way through it. That’s when I realized that David has performed the Quasimodo bit before, five years ago when he was on Conan:

Ugh, can we not? There is no backlash. There are always a few idiots with a dumb “This is offensive!” take on something not offensive, and for some reason, the media likes to scour the internet for this tiny minority, amplify their platform, and make every liberal look like an idiot crybaby. Buzzfeed does it all the