
Wow... that’s absolutely terrible. 

She publicly leaked that his wife had cancer and then spread rumors that he was having an affair with his wife’s oncologist.  Wendy Williams is a garbage human.

I didn’t know about this Method Man stuff, can you fill me in?

And lets not forget the Romani people, the Jews (much more distinct at the time than today), and the various aboriginal populations, like the Basques and the Sami. 

Seriously though there is plently of historical evidence of nonwhite people in Europe in the Middle Ages.

I’m a right wing loon because I believe in both private inheritance and high taxes for the wealthy? But I’m the one with the skewed view of what left and right are? Sure, Jan.

What’s wrong with inherited wealth? I don’t have a problem with people leaving their money to their children but I also think the wealthy need to be taxed waaaaay more than they already are. Abolishing inheritances is extreme left, sorry if the truth hurts. Name one democratic state where inheritance has been

Well aren’t you the most adorable angry little idiot. Yes, the extreme left is bad, as bad as the extreme right. Just ask all those millions Stalin purged. Oh wait, you can’t, because they’re dead. Ask any of the 4 million Venezuelans who fled their country because of Chavez and Maduro.

This reminds me of when we weren’t allowed to criticize GWB or else “the terrorists would win.”

The primary is the part where you’re supposed to be infighting. The problems come when you forget to stop arguing after the primary is over.

I dont really have any patience for those who think we can’t have a reasonable discussion about candidates during a primary. We cant have all 50 of them on the ticket come election day. We gotta pick one. So let’s talk it out.

I know several people who work at the VA and they’re actually pretty cool.  He’s right that the system and red tape and bullshit sucks but the people there are (a lot of them) former military too and know exactly what its like to be in his position.  Mostly they want to help as much as they can.  Maybe you can start

Hi everybody, I just wanted to update anyone who cares on my PTSD hubby situation.

Your so-called friends are assholes. May the words turn to ash in their mouths from shame, when they next need to ask for help from someone. Gobshites. It’s brilliant that you’re almost there on the deposit and it’s lovely that there are people willing to help you, like you help others in turn. You should be proud of

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

Common decency be damned. Meghan is doing her best to feed that right-wing grift machine!

Right?! I was definitely kissing boys when I was 11. My mom delights in talking about how I had this big, obvious crush on my 17-year-old cousin when I was 3. I would actually blush when he came around (probably because he was nice to me and even then I sensed his “coolness,” lol), and I remember exactly how it felt

“Why is this ok?! A child doesn’t know who they are at this age.”

Black people need to embrace their LGBTQ+ children.  I don’t have any kids but when I do want to love and support my children in every way, it won’t matter who my children love because many gay men and lesbian women have been just people to me love is love.  I would be far more hurt if any of my children turn out to

I think it was also great how much KOTOR 1 married the DnD-style gameplay to Star Wars.