Damn near every post he has written is on the politic BS (communism, Regressive Leftist, so on and so forth) crap.
Damn near every post he has written is on the politic BS (communism, Regressive Leftist, so on and so forth) crap.
Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.
I’m a left winger my entire life
Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?
Unfortunately, the few rules they play by, they change as needed to suit their current smear campaign.
Unfortunately for the trolls, Captain Marvel is dedicated to a fallen airman, so hating the movie means they hate the troops. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.
The Junkrat in me is excited. And insane.
This has me worried we’ll never get the Xpac taking us to Cantha, which is what I’ve been waiting for since GW2 launched.
At least this mode of travel doesn’t randomly die to bards.
I’ve heard that story, and I’ve got two theories. 1) Gene was just an absolute tank with a tolerance unheard of for a man his size, or 2) He was a master ribber who tipped the bartender ensure his Jack & Cokes we’re actually just Cokes to make it seem like he could drink a 7 footer under the table.
What’s our criteria for “Serious” now?
This sucks. I love reading old Mean Gene stories. Apparently, he could drink guys 4 times his size under the table, and had a hell of a sense of humor. Also, I’m shocked he was only 76. He looked about 76 in 1987. Rest in Peace Mr. Okerlund.
She’s an immature asshole. In all of these conversations she comes off so entitled and disrespectful. I cannot wait until she rage quits this show.
Well aren’t you a fun, “cool girl” and not at all weirdly judgmental about a common event that plenty of women who are getting married have.
Every love affair is a tiny forever.
Someone suggested my brother-in-law date a certain girl at the college he attended. He did not know her but knew her roommate. He calls roommate for an introduction, but roommate is out. Third roommate answers the phone. Somehow, despite any conceivable reason for doing so, they get to talking.
I had two different guys try the “surprise date” angle on me in college. WTF is up with that move?
As the child of divorced parents, my one plea is that you don’t badmouth your child’s father in their presence EVER. If you do, it tells the child that 50% of who they are, are shit. If the parents badmouth each other, it kills the child’s self-esteem entirely. 100% of their DNA are shit, what are you supposed to do…
Whitlock’s been an Olympic-caliber hater (except for Jeff George?) since they kicked him out of his first “all you can eat (this visit only)” buffet.