
The FBI was our client, and they had guns in the meeting.  It was slightly weird.  Not gonna lie.  But that is the beginning and end of my story on that. 

My impression was that I might be going to jail if I recorded anything, or even shared what was discussed in the SCIF.  Long story short: I kept my phone off and my mouth shut.

If it was so easy for a reality TV ‘personality’ to record. Imagine what highly trained people with an agenda can do? Like...I don’t know...the Kremlin

If you aren’t terrified of camel spiders you should be institutionalized. I haven’t ever been anywhere near where camel spiders are and the phrase “camel spider” causes shivers to run up my spine.

“I’m free to wank to camgirls bang hot coeds as much as I like!!”

“All I’m saying is a ‘no’ is just a ‘yes’ that needs a little convincing.”

“Well, actually, all lives matter.”

“Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism"

Today I graduated with a B.A. in Sociology. It only took me 15 years to finally get a college degree, but I did it. I finally did...something with my life.

This just hurts my heart. I’m a suicide survivor, a rape survivor, a foodie, and a giant fucking know-it-all. And I happen to know Bourdain personally through a friend. This hurts my heart in a way I never thought some acquaintance’s death could. Thinking about this and Argento and her life makes me sick with sadness.

good luck getting an apology. this is johnson county, the same place as the hooters incident from a few months ago. that asshole still has his job, by the way.

Damn Amarrians. Down with the slavers!

Didn’t her company go bankrupt? I bet she didn’t see that coming!

I mean, sure it looks bad but we should really wait for the New York Times to interview these people to see if they’re sad about a steel mill closing.

Just to be clear, a US Marine with two tours in Iraq is deported for drugs but this fucknut will probably be back in a couple days.

Only took 4 minutes for That Guy to post. Gotta be some kind of record.

Better not. Or I’ll the bring on the goat curry and see who pops off.

this is so interesting to me because I am (or was) trying to do a mid-life career change. Being a veteran of two branches, I thought the VA would be a good place to land. The reality was that the job search was difficult, lengthy and the whole interview process extremely long. Once I met others who worked there I

I work for the VA and I feel like morale is pretty much always in the toilet. Maybe it’s slightly harder to hire under trump with the all the talk of the terrible job we’re doing for veterans and threats to privatize. And the hiring freeze but it’s not the first and won’t be the last. Just possibly the stupidest one.