
God that pisses me off to no end. This tin pot dictator wannabe, stolen valor wearing sonuvabitch. Fuck him.


I used to get spam with my loco moco. God now I miss loco moco.

When I was a kid, we ate spam, fried. Not a lot though. When I was stationed in HI I was dating a local and LORD spam was everywhere. are awesome.

Generally? No, because Roadhouse is just a shitty Swayze movie :)

I *might* have taken a certain amount of pleasure in marching them out the door :)

Welcome to Night Vale. I won’t bother with a description, except to say imagine Lake Wobegon Days as written by HP Lovecraft. It is awesome.

Had a good friend who spent his workday trolling Free Republic.

Not specific to Katy or Cinco Ranch but I used to bounce and by a large margin we had the most trouble from folks like you describe. McMansions, Beemers they couldn’t afford and just the shittiest attitude. Every time we threw one out it was always “I can buy and sell you, man!” “Uh huh, let me know how that works out

Thank you. It’s something I struggle with still, 8 years on.

So sorry for your loss, and Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandchild.



Common was better in that than I expected. Took me a few to recognize him.

I think Fillion’s bit was the one that got to me the most.

Yup. Here in Kansas City, we have a menswear store called Harold Pener where you can find Steve Harvey Specials :)

Yup. Here in Kansas City, we have a menswear store called Harold Pener where you can find Steve Harvey Specials :)

Arancio Berlusconi

Add Malcolm Nance too. Mensch isn’t bad but she see’s commies everywhere :)