Congratulations on the sex!
Congratulations on the sex!
Grats on the new job! I applied for another position at a different federal agency this week, so fingers are crossed. Plus myself and some coworkers have been painfully reminded how inept our agency leadership in DC is. So - pretty much normal :)
Leftover meatloaf. Tomorrow I make smothered chicken and garlic bacon mashed potatoes.
Liberal Veterans and Servicemembers
In the liberal veteran and servicemember group I admin on Facebook we had one big rule during the primaries and general election - No blue bashing. Overwhelmingly the violators of this simple rule were Bernie supporters. Even after he conceded they would not shut up about how he was robbed. So friggin annoying.
Someone with multiple homes (In this case Saint Sanders) shouldn’t talk about someone else not appealing to the working class.
Myself and a couple of the other admins for the liberal veteran and servicemember group we have will be live streaming our gaming to distract and amuse our membership.
That, and I am going a-viking.
It wasn’t the resignation. It is the timing that bothers me.
It is. I have never seen it, personally. But given who we are dealing with - the insane is now sane. I will bet, if he finds out General Mattis will be livid. Not sure what, if anything he could do at this point.
Generals get replaced. It happens. But this, if nothing else, comes off as ham handed and unprofessional. Not that it is particularly shocking in the incoming administration given what happened with the diplomats and the NNSA.
Sad that the paranoid conspiracy becomes plausible.
Pravda, tovarich.
What scares me as much is Trump replacing the Commanding general of DC’s National guard as of Inauguration Day
Those idiots couldn’t spy their way out a wet paper bag.
FSB, tovarich
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