
Yeah that was after my time - Somalia and Liberia didn’t have the same cachet :)

I love a military themed restaurant being about steak. I can count on one hand the number of times I was served steak in the Marine Corps.


As a Marine, there are very few things that bother or offend me. But what in Chesty’s Holy Name is this nonsense?

I briefly made high 5 figures in the early 90s doing personal security. I took my gf at the time to the Gucci store in town while I was back. I didn’t dress up, I didn’t put on airs. I had jeans, a t shirt and a pair of Chucks. Nothing was dirty or ripped but it definitely was not standard for the area. We were

Oh I figured - was debating what I responded or “Thank you, Bob from Aurora”

Elway, you’re drunk again.


Best Damn Root Beer is very nummy :)

I’d have podded his ass, but this works too.

The MythAdventures series by Robert Lynn Aspirin are really great, light hearted fun fantasy.

First, congratulations!


Damned cold and slick here in Kansas City. Slipped 4 times in the 3 blocks I walked to give She Who Must Be Obeyed her boots at work.

Again, thanks.


I get the feeling agencies are scrambling to fill positions before 1/20/17 - the turnaround on the VA position was..maybe 2 weeks? And I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear one way or the other regarding the other position before the end of the year.

Much appreciated - I am currently a federal employee and I agree, the process can be taxing and I was basically a shoo in for my current job.

Thanks :) I feel selfish posting that, given the way the world is now but it weighs heavily on my mind.