
No, I’m not. That’s why I’m not voting for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

And one of the nicest guys around. Buddy of mine was up for the same job as Furor (Alex Frasiabi) and we ended up meeting Chris Metzen. Nothing but polite, kind and just genuine.

On my end it’s all the Berners going on about it and how she needs to step down so a healthy Bernie can save us. I shit you not.

Semper Fi

It’s the only way.

Having mopey time. The elements are mad at him.

Or maybe Lamar Hunt

I'd bet Wellington Mara or Dan Rooney.

Because Rachel would eviscerate Trump and not treat him with the kid gloves a flesh suit like Lauer will.

I love my mechanical squirrel - I am just waiting till 110 to transform Hati so I have dual squirrels

Might try leveling Resto - supposedly they fixed healer leveling. One of my guildies is leveling Disc and not having any issues.

Been going great so far. Logged on about 0300 Central, said hi to the 10 folks in Mumble and started the BM Hunter stuff. Took a break about 0800 to start on the warrior and paladin quests amd then back on the hunter. Not a single problem, smoothest launch I cam remember.

Just a few more hours and I get to hang with my buddy Mimiron!

Honestly there has been enough class change and simplification that it wouldn’t matter. DOOOO EEEEEETT!!!

They are, however, my favorite metal band.

Marine (M is always capitalized) here. If Mr. Kaepernick did this in front of me I would respect him as much if he had stood. He has every right to take a stand. One of the Marine Corps most revered figures, Smedley Butler wrote a book, War Is A Racket - protesting our country is nothing new to my beloved Corps.

That’s just every day, dealing with officers :)

I thought combat was rough, evidently I don’t know their suffering. Seriously, one of the folks in that discussion actually told me I should have been out there with them in the heat and cold. When I explained not only had I been out there in heat , cold and everything in between they changed it to “Well blame Bush

On Xegony, one of our top guilds released the Sleeper as a fuck you move on another top guild. Folks lost their ever loving minds.

Vodka, neat and chilled.