Center Senior in Kansas City :)
Center Senior in Kansas City :)
That's one of the things I was really thankful about my parent's divorce. They both went out of their way to not talk bad about each other or their respective SO. And my stepfather was a jackass so I really respect my father for not trashing him to me.
He is older than me - not sure how he functions.
Guy that's friends with my Berner friend was going off about how the American Dream is bullshit because we were taught if you worked hard and believed then you would succeed and they worked hard and believed and Bernie didn't win so it is all rigged and bullshit. I drank his tears.
Yeah, I volunteered to connect her with fellow veterans , or rape survivors but she and her friends seem to decline.
My friend the Bernie delegate is now saying that witnessing the blatant corruption at the convention has given her PTSD. Being nice has gotten to be more of a struggle with her and her friends.
I am not sure, but with a username like yours we could be besties.
I have this friend from high school. On FB, he will rant about the evils of socialism, even comparing it (And funny enough, Bernie) to Nazis. And then turn right around and tell our mutual friends who are Bernie supporters how wronged they were.
Undertaker is like that too - and there have been at least one outside the ring confrontation between him and Lesnar. No love lost there, to be sure.
We call that the “Ron Paul” defense.
I am stoked. This will be the first expac I am not maining my Ret and I am looking forward to the BM artifact story.
Beastmaster 4 life :)
Yeah that thirst is pissing off some Bernie fans - I have a friend who was a Bernie delegate and she went to some rally where Jill Stein and Chris HEdges were speaking. Left PISSED because Stein and Hedges essentially threw Bernie under the bus for endorsing Hillary. I think Jill Stein vastly miscalculated the…
You sweet Summer Child :)
ROFL - well I was Prot intially, and since out of 3 tank specs we were 3rd I went DPS since we had a dedicated healer.
Loving my BM - just getting used to not hitting buttons.
Honestly I am loving Ret - I liked Arms in BC so this isn’t new. Plus I have been Ret since..Vanilla (Seriously). Also loving Beastmaster though the new rotation and not hitting buttons is taking time to get used to.
I tamed Thok!