
Hi - Stupid Marine here. Go fuck yourself :)

The prior SgtMaj USMC was asked about the ending of DADT and his response was basically “Get over it”. At least in my command we never gave a damn. Do your job, cover my six and boink who you want. Hell we lied to NIS (yes I am old) about a couple Marines who were involved in same sex relationships because it did not

No - Pendleton is based on which division (and your MOS) you are assigned post MOS school graduation. In my case I was assigned to Pendleton because I took a billet with 2/4 Marines as a 0311 (Rifleman). I am from Kansas City and while not huge we are no small town. My best friend was from New Orleans.

According to my friends at Pendleton, the full weight and displeasure of the United States Marine Corps is about to brought to bear on these fucktards.

Why was Jacquen smiling when Arya left?



I am partial to the theory that Sombra is the mother narrating the Soldier 76 video and the little girl is her and Reaper’s daughter.

Blueberry and Cherry - Frosted.

The circus. The teen unfortunately does call me.

I cannot fault your logic sir, as much as I may want to.

I’ll see your Denzel and raise you a Idris Elba

Hell my dad just let me wander the neighborhood for hours.

You win.

I threatened to sell my teenager to the circus. They still haven't called me back :(

Parent of a 15 and a 4 year old. I laughed, even as I found what the parents did unthinkable. I am a bad parent.

Yeah we coslept with him on my wife's side and he took to it quickly.

We co slept our youngest for ~6 months? And crib after that - first couple of nights were hell on me because he cried and I wanted to go but I knew I needed to let him work it out. And he did.

You aren't wrong, but sometimes you get tired of having to educate the ignorant so you drop folks like 3rd period French.