We did 5 Soldier 76 and a Mercy last night. Was a blast :)
We did 5 Soldier 76 and a Mercy last night. Was a blast :)
Overwatch, checking garrisons in WoW and lamenting my lack of funds for Total War: Warhammer
My wife drinks Fireball...
Your dad rocks. Incidentally EVERY person I know who earned the tab is proud of Capt. Greist and Lt. Haver.
Man, happened ONE time..
She was hilarious on an episode of Wild N' Out - might ask She Who Must Be Obeyed to record it.
That was his brother (?) Mondotta
Soldier ‘76 is a good one to learn on. Not too hard and versatile.
I am sitting here at my desk bawling. I was tearing up some, but the shot of her picking out clothes than pans over his uniform...reminds me of too many my brothers and sisters who are in a similar situation. Damn. Loved this.
A good Reinhardt and Bastion can murder a team.
“It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.”
Isn’t great when the PoTG is one you died on? Just rub more salt in the wound....
Must....get...Mariachi skin...Reaper....zzzzzzz
I am an irritable dad, I am not a lawyer though I am friends with one of the prosecutors in the Aaron Hernandez case.
+1 for the Firefly reference :)
That’s why we don’t let the Lt navigate :)
Semper Fi.
So basically every single Marine. Hell when I was drunk I thought I was Scipio Africanus and Rommel reborn. Then I tried to invade 29 Palms....