
We also would have accepted

Hedberg and Bill Hicks - 2 of the funniest foul mouthed bastards I know.

Should have seen it when I explained to my dear father why Song Of The South was not an appropriate dvd to get my eldest.

Mmmm casual racism, just like my grandmother used to make!

I think we agree? At least that's what I was trying to say.

I swear she (Dash) is invited on there to make the other hosts look like flipping geniuses.

Brian Regan is a clean comedian who is funny (IMO) but yeah, you can be funny clean or dirty - talent shines through no matter.

As my buddy's grandmother was fond of saying "What you do in the dark will come out in the light".

Pryor was all about brutal honesty with regards to himself. This is a man who mined his freebasing near death experience for humor.

Proof why we need to bring back pillaging.

I was the Man Of Honor at my best friend's wedding, and her husband had a Best Woman.

It was in my case. To state that Mrs. Viking's family was challenging is to surrender to understatement. Their issues (subscriptions really) are too numerous to list. My MiL never truly liked me. I was the only of my wife's boyfriends who was not intimidated by her and would stand tall o defend my wife from one of her

Venusians are the Chair Force of aliens. Bunch of pampered sissies! Titans, those are some scary bastards.

Because stupid people.

My reaction to the story

You are doing the Lord's work my friend

Sadly, I hear that in a Southie accent not Jersey


This post is Food Babe Science (tm) Approved!