
Assuming you don’t want to burden your neighbor with network modification, I would buy the highest gain 2.4 GHz yagi antenna and point it at your neighbor’s wifi. Connect the 2.4 GHz yagi antenna to a 2.4 GHz AP in bridge mode, and connect it to your neighbor’s wifi.

So, how does Dominos get away with fixing the roads?

I’m buying a house, and I’m not sure if I should get a video doorbell, or just an outdoor Wi-Fi security camera trained on the front door.

I’m buying a house, and I’m not sure if I should get a video doorbell, or just an outdoor Wi-Fi security camera

So, how do you prevent your idiot [fill in the blank here] from just yanking out the USB drive?

How do they not get sued, or shamed to death on social media?

Wow, you get your hair cut every other week?

Wow, you get your hair cut every other week?

Amen brother

That is called Baka Yoke

I believe there was also a Seinfeld episode about this fraud.

A bit more context would be nice. Why would a crushed can be mistaken for paper, but not plastic bottles or other non-paper crushed material? Does it matter if they’re crushed long ways or short ways?

Or bring it to Michigan. They’re worth 10 cents each.

Know your company’s policy. Many places have a policy where they will not confirm nor deny if you were fired, only that you no longer work for there.

Actually, it’s really straightforward. If I loan money to family or friends, I assume I won’t get it back.

Bank of Friends and Family

How does it work? Does the ATM send a code to your phone?

Yes, semantics indeed. Considering how easily it is to copy the mag strip, I consider it no different then writing your user name on a piece of paper; having a piece of paper with your user name doesn’t prove possession... which is kind of the point of this article.

I disagree. Card is your user name, and PIN is the first authentication.

Of all the places, why don’t ATMs use 2FA?

For what it's worth, AT&T + Android here

Funny, on my phone, long (more than 160 characters) TXT still get sent out as SMS. I believe they’re sent as multiple SMS, and combined into one on the other end. On Android phone, you can see this happening with the character count showing something like 158/2, where the 2 indicates the message has spanned  over two