I put at least 2/3 of this list down the disposal on routine basis for years, maybe decades without a single clog. I think it has more to do with the quality and the power of the disposal, and how well the plumbing is designed.
I put at least 2/3 of this list down the disposal on routine basis for years, maybe decades without a single clog. I think it has more to do with the quality and the power of the disposal, and how well the plumbing is designed.
How is this legal? Can I just go out and repair whatever road I wanted?
Personally, I have used the price of two new cars (one for me, one for my SO) as the benchmark for my emergency fund. I came to this concept because no car means no job, which means no money and no insurance. In numerical terms, I set the goal at $40,000, or $20,000 per car.
“would prohibit the imposition of a maximum speed limit for those traffic lanes.”
1. Driving in the fast lane. That lane is for passing, and not driving.
The problem with local book stores and need right now is that I’m probably looking for something very specific. Chances are, my local book store doesn’t stock something so specific, or want some exorbitant amount that I can order it online in my underwear and have it overnighted at lower total cost.
“so cringy to watch”
“Then there’s which channel to choose if there’s no (or equal) interference. Go with the lowest number - channel 1 has better range than channel 11. Same with the 5GHz bands - the lower the frequency, the better the range.”
“the lower the frequency, the better the range”
But too poor to hire a dog sitter?
Hawaii... or maybe Guam
I always thought those pet safe ice melts were not about the chemistry, but the physical characteristics. I think the round shape prevents their pads from getting cut up and having rock salt stuck in between their pads.
You know that DPW and contractors sometimes proactively salt the streets and parking lots in anticipation of upcoming snow and freezing rain. It’s kind of their job to look at the weather forecast and make that call in order to get in front of the weather.
Yep I agree. Spending a bit of money on extra salt, and salting the shit out of your sidewalk is cheap insurance. Ideally, you should lay down sufficient salt that if someone does slip and fall, you embed sufficient evidence in their skin and clothes.
No Garlic, No Butter, No Fun
God forbid if you graduate with Summa Cum Laude
Around the 10 second mark, right after the light turns green, why does the LEO tap the brake for a split second?
Yes, but that’s the total value of the cars. The cars, even if damaged, have some value. So, I guessed they still retain roughly half of the value and came up with $100k/kid for what they actually owe in the end.
The scam starts with mortgage pre-approval. This sets the stage for tricking people into buying an expensive house they don’t need.
I think home ownership falls in between an investment and a money pit. Yes it costs a lot of money, but at the end of the day, there’s equity. On the other hand, rent has guaranteed zero equity.