
Lead is heavy. It comes it at 0.41 lbs/in^3. To put it in perspective, small flat rate Priority Mail box filled with lead will weigh over 30 lbs, and large Priority Mail box will weigh over 324 lbs.

Lead shot turns into orange rust? I think your dad used something else. Last time I checked, lead doesn’t rust, and when it corrodes, it turns white.

Instead of inuring multiple conversion losses, why doesn’t Tesla and other EV companies work on a common, swappable battery pack technology. Charge the pack once, deliver to the nearest “gas station”, and drivers can just drive up and have the depleted battery swapped out with a charged one. No need to park and charge

I do the same thing with tools. When the cheapo fails, it gives me some insight into common failure modes. I use that insight to determine what features I should be looking for when I buy the replacement.

They feel sorry for you?

I agree to a certain point, and this is why we have certification boards. These techs need to have their ASE certs suspended. Clearly, they need a refresher on test driving.

I agree with you in philosophy, but how do you do your own alignment at home? I’ve seen YouTube videos, but they are all questionable at best. I don’t see any way of doing proper alignment at home without 4 or 5 figure investment, especially for a street car. (This is a serious question, because I want to do it at

Clearly it’s at least 7.6x more labor. It’s evident by the amount of additional test driving needed to verify the work. Hell, not only does it take more work, it requires 3 techs to confirm. I think 7.6x more is a bargain considering. This man should be praising the bargain he got.

Clearly, the termination is for dealer CYA. I wouldn’t be surprised if the dealer paid these technicians a “severance” pay to make them shut up in exchange for a non-disclosure statement.

No, the article is about deceptive marketing tactics. It’s like a restaurant advertising $2 pitcher beer, only to hide in the fine print that the use of the delivery vessel (aka pitcher) is $50. Then, when someone actually reads the fine print and offers to bring in their own pitcher, the restaurant makes up some

Based on my Google-fu, there is no legal requirement for the dealer to charge the destination fee, and they can legally waive it if they chose. The consensus seems to be that it is just another profit margin for the dealers, and means for the OEM to make their MSRP look lower.

But I’m buying a car, not going to a titty bar.

It’s subjective, but dealer shops make that call everyday on warranty work.

Sood is having another shop check out the vehicle, right? If the shop determines that the wear and tear is abnormal for 8.8k miles, then Jersey City should pay.

I do the same thing. I say, OTD, paid full in cash. I could care less if the price includes document fee or hooker for the dealer, as long as the final amount I pay is low.

Probably was, but the whole point is not to offer the car for sale until it’s fixed. They shouldn’t be offering it for sale on their web page to begin with.

According to Google, income tax in Italy is between 24% and 45.2%. The article isn’t clear, but I assume $7,000 salary is per month, not per year. Assuming the lowest tax rate (which is probably not correct assumption),

Yes, accused of making someone think that you were thinking something bad. It’s called thought shaming. Similar to how-dare-you-work-hard-and-earn-a-fair-wage-and-insist-on-paying-only-your-fair-share-of-the-income-tax shaming.

Yep, Kwikset. I tried it. It feels gritty when I turn the key, and it broke after 2 or 3 years of use. Conventional lock has been going strong much longer.

I tried Kwikset when I moved into a new (to me) house. They work, but they are fragile. It broke after 2 or 3 years of daily use, and they started feeling gritty way before that. I replaced with a conventional lock, recombed it myself with pins, and it’s been good for more than 5 years.