One of the first things you should do when moving into a new home is to change the locks. You never know who might have a key to the house in their possession.
One of the first things you should do when moving into a new home is to change the locks. You never know who might have a key to the house in their possession.
So here’s the thing about that. If they leave the remotes, it’s the same frequency. If they have a car that records the remote rather than programmed directly to the opener, that means even if you reset it, the previous owner still has access.
I have a better idea. How about not promoting someone you don’t know well. If you don’t know someone well enough to know if he has been accused of harassment, you probably shouldn’t be promoting him. God forbid that we do our due diligence.
I don’t know about KS, but in MI, not only does the USPS have the budget for winter tires, but they run illegal studded tires. I’ve also seem them run chains elsewhere in the country.
Just because someone appraises something, doesn’t mean it’s really worth that much. When I bought a ring, the store gave me an appraisal for my insurance company which was much higher than the price I paid for it. Most municipalities have vested interest in appraising property as high as possible in order to increase…
Where I live, if the assessment is higher then the selling price, you can apply for a refund retroactively. The assessment is nowhere near the real value of the property, roughly 1/2 to 1/3.
What car is it? I beat the shit out of my DD, and it needed alignment only once over the course of a decade.
Why is it these people think the house is worth $1.7M when it won't sell for that price? Things are only worth what others will pay.
If you’re lazy, wouldn’t you have trouble being early?
I need one of those reverse ambulance sticker that says "drive in the right lane, it's the law" as I tailgate this sienna.
Do what you love, make lots of money, stay within the law (pick two)
You can post how to open all the bookmarks at once. Surely there’s an easier way than clicking on each individual bookmark.
“bookmarking 70 tabs at once isn’t exactly an easy proposition”
This is why everyone in snow country should opt for a two stage snowblower. In the time my neighborhood struggles to clear couple paths with a single stage snowblower, I’m done with my sidewalk, both neighbor’s sidewalk, and my driveway.
“Require drivers to hold a Commercial driver license with a special passenger endorsement to operate a for hire vehicle with 8 or more passengers”
This sounds like a zero-mile warranty claim.
Sorry, doesn’t work here. The problem here is controlling those hands and fingers. You’re trimming something with a tolerance of 1/8" or less.
Qualifying the survey pool as “real people” means there’s also “fake people”? Huh?
I thought dealers don’t like e-mail because it creates a papertrail of what they promised... and since they’re so honest, there’s no need for a papertrail.