
So the cost is similar to Uber surge pricing?

In this scenario, “I’m sorry” doesn’t mean “I’m sorry for walking in front of you” but means “I’m sorry you’re too stupid to realize that you’re blocking the entire aisle”.

On somewhat related note, I have been accused of taking bribes from merchants and posting shill reviews, and Amazon has deleted all my reviews and banned me from posting new reviews. I have not received free or discounted products, nor financial considerations for my reviews. So, the only conclusion I can draw is

I’m confused, why is there a shortage? I suspect the organized crime is fencing the stolen gas. There should be plenty of cheap gas in Mexico if that’s the case.

Get all your meds filled at one pharmacy. Most pharmacy systems are designed to detect potential interactions, as well as duplications.

What’s the big deal? They’re brake pads, not exactly high dollar replacement component. Now, if he claimed that the battery pack literally doesn’t need to be replaced, that’s something.

Based on many lifehacker articles, a lot of people take on a lot more debt for some useless college degree, and manage to pay it off. Let’s just call it school of life?

Based on all the replies I’m getting, I get the feeling that what these kids did isn’t illegal, and I’m just a grouchy old fuck for thinking that these kids should be fully responsible for what they did.

No, the kids should not have destroyed private property. It’s probably a good idea for the dealer to have security, but that shouldn’t be mandatory, and that’s no excuse for the kids destroying the vehicles.

Incorrect. The kids damaged $800k worth of vehicles. From the pictures, the vehicles aren’t totalled. Even if they’re totalled, they have parts value. I guesstimated half value for damage and said $100k per kid.

I agree. They should not be punished for a lifetime. But, being poor isn’t a punishment; people aren’t entitled to being rich. Besides, I did the math in another reply, and the damage is rather affordable. I figure about $100k damage per kid.

Dumbest thing I’ve heard a car dealer say: “you can afford $(fill in some value here)“.

It’s $800k between 4 kids. That works out to $200k per kid. The vehicles aren’t totally valueless, so the actual responsibility per kid is more like $100k per kid. Not chump change, but it’s something most people can pay off over time.

Why should the dealership use their own insurance? The kids should foot the bill for the entire $800k (yes, the kids can keep the cars of they pay for it). You do dumb shit like this, you deserve to be broke ass poor for the rest of your life. They should be counting their blessing that there wasn’t an armed guard who

I imagine the keys were locked in a lock box, but those things aren’t exactly hard to defeat, especially with a shop full of tools. I imagine the dealer’s shop has plenty of those. Even the electronic key management system, I imagine has a manual lock override, and those shouldn’t be too tough to defeat either.

I don’t think you understand what impacted means. Less rich, even slightly, is impacted. If I have $10, I can buy 10 $1 item. If I have slightly less, I can only buy less. I see a functional difference there.

Yeah, and just because we have it now doesn’t make it right. Making it more lopsided is even more not right.

So, you’re poor, and you want to give away other people’s money? Come back when you have your own money to give away. I think it’s stupid to think it’s within your rights to give away what others have earned.

So it's ok to hurt, sorry impact, someone if they're in the minority? Does your rule apply to only financial minority, or does it extend to other classes of minorites?

Let’s start by giving YOUR money away.