In this situation, I think the adage usually applies. Just remember, sometimes (most of the time?), one man’s trash is another man’s trash.
In this situation, I think the adage usually applies. Just remember, sometimes (most of the time?), one man’s trash is another man’s trash.
The problem with blue tint, or any other tint is that they cut down on the light output. If your objective is to get most light on the road, then go with the best untinted bulb you can find.
The problem with blue tint, or any other tint is that they cut down on the light output. If your objective is to get…
still had the audacity to charge us $8 bucks
I assume you’re talking about me when you say “younger generation”. I may not have tact, but I’ll have you know that the only debt I’ve ever carried in my life is a mortgage, which I paid off in less than two years. I have paid cash for all my other purchases, and for my wife’s graduate school. I worked hard to make…
If a person can’t lose their license over unpaid traffic fines, why would anyone pay their tickets? If there are no real consequences, rules don’t mean much.
I can’t wait til they block/throttle VoIP and couple people die trying to call for help. Shit like that getting publicity will change politicians’ tone quick.
Why did the charge go through 100 times? Their (Chase) automated fraud detection should have cut them off way before 100 charges could go through. My CC cuts me off at three suspicious charges (or less).
You can hail a bus? Which app do you use?
What advantage does a smart luggage have if you remove the battery and transport it separately?
disallow anyone from using the word “engineer” if they’re not an Oregon-licensed professional engineer
$40k in my checking account
Any recommendation for VDSL (U-verse) compatible modem? Would prefer standalone modem (as opposed to modem/router combo), a combo with sufficient customization.
Any recommendation for VDSL (U-verse) compatible modem? Would prefer standalone modem (as opposed to modem/router…
This is one reason why UPS and FedEx scanners have GPS capability; they know exactly where the item was scanned. It’s great when a package is misdelivered, but it also keeps them more honest.
I can’t keep track of all the recalls, and after a while, the letters start to look alike. Instead of sending a separate letter for each recall, it would be much easier to manage if one letter covered all recalls related to my vehicle, with a tick mark showing which I have already completed.
I see no radius on that turn, it’s essentially a right turn. I’m no civil engineer, but I think it makes sense to apply more radius to the curve. I think it’s just poorly designed, and adding the poorly placed rock is just adding to the problem.
Why didn’t she just put on a Ferrari jacket and drive off with a vehicle of her choosing. Clearly, the dealership thinks that’s cool and all.
Winter = cold... no thanks.
This sounds like a publicity stunt for his vlog.
Do vapes carry Prop 65 warning?
is made in a shop