
I agree with your first paragraph, the rest not so much.

Only if you’re stupid enough to think your car payment is an investment.

Wait until the shop drills a screw right into the battery installing some equipment in the car. CO will be the least of their concerns.

Alternatively, the glass bottle the liquor came in also will pass through the metal detector.

Alternatively, the glass bottle the liquor came in also will pass through the metal detector.

I’ll take it in a wagon.

How much do you tip if it doesn’t have a smiley?

The reality is, postal employees make more than minimum wage.

My rule of thumb is, I’ll try anything twice. One data point can be a fluke, but two data points make a trend.

How is this newsworthy? It doesn’t take a genius to realize that you can transport a car by a plane. I did the same thing when I needed to ship a car from the US to Japan.

How the hell do you convert from R-12 to R-134a with that kit? Don’t you need the void the system of the old oil (which means taking things apart), pull a vacuum, and fill with R-134a?

If you’re on Facebook, you’re on the Internet. Do these people really need additional help knowing about their recalls? It’s not like these recalls are a secret. If they can’t be bothered to care at this point, they probably won’t bring their car in for the repair even if they knew about it.

What purpose does this serve?

It’s how karting seeks to prevent families from spending too much money on engine parts

I don’t believe this is an NHTSA standard test. What’s the chance of being T-boned right into the rear axis? Let’s do more realistic tests like the ambulance clipping a fixed object on one front corner, or being rear ended by an ambulance chaser.

Did they study why they were able to collect on the debt? It’s not like these people earn more money just because you threaten to take their license away. If that’s the case, the government should threaten to kill anyone who can’t pay a bazillion dollars in income tax every year. That will fix the economy in matter of

Or, just grow up and eat what’s being served.

I’ve seen plenty of cops punch in a plate while moving.

Everything you say makes sense. I mentioned hardware store denatured alcohol because I keep a spray bottle in the garage as a glass cleaner and lite duty degreaser. I’ve been cleaning the windshield with it for years without ruining my paint, so I may give it a shot once we get a good freeze.

What happens when you place some material between the electrodes, like a piece of wood or cardboard? Will it still arc over?

What happens when you place some material between the electrodes, like a piece of wood or cardboard? Will it still

What purpose does the water serve? Wouldn’t straight IPA be better? What about concentration of IPA? They make 50%, 90%, etc. Use same ratio for all? Can I use denatured alcohol from the hardware store? They’re cheaper.