
Ben Affleck: “Yeah, Zack Snyder really wanted me to understand Bruce Wayne on a personal level. So one day, I walk onto set and... this was really funny... he had invited my parents down to do a set visit. They toured the set a little bit, met with the rest of the cast, and Snyder showed them some of the dailies that

Funny thing is, the GOTG Awesome Mix was NOT “hip” or “with it”! It took the mildly bold choice of using tired old AM tunes for a cool throw-back-style movie, and made both things special to a new generation, while still embracing their parents’ sensibilities.

After work, I stop by two parks on my way home to grab some Pokeymens and Pokeballs. I LOVE seeing how many people are clearly playing. Lures are always up, kids as young as 5 are playing, as are teens, and soccermoms, and other 40-something neckbeards like myself.

You’re doing it right. It’s a feature.



Oh my god, what if it's Ser Pounce?

This whole thing has been awkward as hell. He clearly came expecting to be a high pick. He was clearly crying earlier when all this was happening. He just lost millions. Now these reporters want to ask him all these questions on what was clearly supposed to be the biggest night of his life.

The incoming hot takes on this one are gonna be outrageous

He sounds exactly like Bun B.

This gives me anxiety.

They ARE really young. I’m 28 and am older than both those actors.

One tiny ball-droid moves from planet to planet and a network of spies lets everyone know about it, but the Resistance doesn’t know that the First Order has built a gigantic planet gun?

CJA said she found herself really invested in what happens in future with Rey, Finn, and Poe. At the end of the movie, I did, too. The moment when I wondered if Finn had been killed was the second darkest moment for me. It gnawed at my brain while Rey was (super-fantastically!) facing Kylo.

Man. This is going to make for one long-ass opening crawl.

I would argue (not to defend them, and I don’t own their products, nor do I care for it) that they started with actual quality products when they took/bought it from Monster, then dumped millions on advertising, then when they became an established name, they started to create cheaper products that people keep buying

Wouldnt you all freak out if it came out like this:

They're fire ants - I sure as hell hope they were ALL hurt in the making of the video.

Insensitive to fire ants? Screw those little buggers! I wanna go all Ender on them!

Finally, and effective way to kill fire ant colonies. Seems safer than pouring in a gallon of gasoline and tossing a match