
Hahahahahaha!!! Fuck off.

“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.”

This has been a textbook case for why skepticism is always healthy and how wrongheaded the “believe victims” mantra of modern progressives is. A lot of people didn’t feel his story added up and/or was way too perfect when it first came out but were afraid to express skepticism for fear of being branded racist and/or

Well... he has hired a criminal defense lawyer.

if you believe trump you have to agree with putin, fatty kim 3, stone and manafort and the 7 felons

I think it’s fair to assume he did it, at this point. I also read that he tried to pass himself off as his brother in a DUI incident a while ago. Methinks Jussie has a complicated relationship with the truth and likes attention. 

Sure ... and if a white guy had made up a story about being attacked by two black men, your reaction would be to feel sorry for that person and wish him peace. Riiiiight. Ok for him though - gotcha.

“This is MAGA country!” sounds like a dialogue from SNL, and I knew something was wrong when I saw “injuries” on his face.

If this entire situation turns out to be exactly what it appears to be, he deserves the maximum sentence, and a lifetime black list from acting. No work from anyone. Ever. Also, no one should sleep with him. Ever again.


I feel like I’m in crazy town. I keep to pretty liberal spaces and the number of people who are STILL sticking by Jussie is ridiculous. “You can’t trust Chicago PD!” “They’ll fake evidence!” “This is a conspiracy!” These are normally reasonable people. People do occasionally fake crimes like this. It happens. I don’t

Nahhh, this kind of thing happens. Occam’s Razor — you are looking to complicate things when it is pretty clear the simplest explanation (that he lied, that this was a planned hoax) is what went down here. People do these things for various reasons, but it often just comes down to getting attention. There are no

Add it to the list

This *has* to be true. They have a video of people who knew Smollett buying the implements used in the attack. There is no longer any possibility of Smollett’s version of events to be true. He’s definitively lying! You might as well be agnostic about gravity. 

How many lives must be lost to Trump Derangement Syndrome before something is done about it?

Do you not do the same thing? You define white people by their worst and not only that, hold them accountable for what has happened in the past even if they, or their ancestors had nothing to do with it. I am Greek, I, nor my ancestors ever had anything to do with slavery or the oppression of anyone yet I am accused

Whenever GMG is sold, and Splinter likely winds up ... well ... yeah .... I think there’s going to be a group of commenters who suddenly find themselves asking what the point of living is.

It’s going to be wonderful watching her fall back to earth in the eyes of the low information Splinter crowd.  God help her if she has to compromise on something to maintain some minimal level of viability in Congress