
But don't worry about things like Guantanamo, the currency manipulation in the US, the republicans (and the democrats), and all that jazz in the US. Living in Asia has made me realize that China really is the new superpower.

we use OTT in spoken conversation. you don't?

On multiple occasions I've travelled through JFK and had enjoyable chats with the TSA guys every time; the benefits of different coffee makers (I had a french press in my bag), or the guys exporting iPads to China (I had some of those too).

Wow, that's great. And 12 years is DEDICATION to a video project.

The first images in my Aperture library are Mavica photos. They look... tiny... on my 27" screen.

It would if the shares are in said company :)

A Cessna 172 should be able to completely outwit the Eurofighter... by flying slowly (minimum speed of ~65kts vs 105kts). I guess that's the point at which they crack out the chopper.

I was doubting my maths there for a second :) I say maths, I mean reading...

If it's the resolution is entirely larger than 1080p, why wouldn't it be able to play full HD?

Heh - Can we both win? :)

I was right actually, check it out here:- []. It might be 2010, not 2009, but it's the same hack.

Fake diplomatic bags, that's how. It was probably kept separate from the rest of the mail population en route.

Except that picture is from Paris.

i have 0.025% of this

6 Gigabit on sata, not GB.

I suspect this will be the end of Pandora

I"m assuming you plug the USB in to a power socket instead.

Yeah, seems to work fine on my wife's iPhone 4. Perhaps something unique to my model. Is there any way to downgrade to 5.0? I've tried multiple things, DFU, TinyUmbrella etc, nothing helps.