This movie will be perfect as long as no one lets Sam, Ivan, Ted, or Rob Tapert any where NEAR the dialogue.
This movie will be perfect as long as no one lets Sam, Ivan, Ted, or Rob Tapert any where NEAR the dialogue.
Jameela Jamil looks pretty good in the fight scene. She is a sexy skyscraper and she can fight! Look out She-Hulk. Also she is likely to throw fancy A-List parties and not invite you
(Will they sneak a digitized version of Reeve’s Superman there as well? Wouldn’t put it past them.)
Or an alligator-head-hand. Like some alternate reality Captain Hook. I mean, it practically writes itself.
Oh man, I can’t wait for Doctor Strange to cut his hand off and replace it with a chainsaw.
If they’re smart, they’ll just use Brandon Routh, which means it won’t happen.
Shop smart, shop S-Mart
Eight years after MoS, it’s clear that Warner Bros. still wants the big crossover energy of Civil War or Ragnarok, but the DCEU is too fragmented and inconsistent, so the best they could manage was to bring back Keaton’s Batman. (Will they sneak a digitized version of Reeve’s Superman there as well? Wouldn’t put it…
Im sure the folks at WB are super stoked that the only thing about their new Flash movie anyone ever wants to talk about is Batman.
It’s like old Sam Raimi.
The Flash is starting to feel like a supporting character in his own movie. This production reminds me of those parents who have to sneak vegetables into their kids’ meals so they’ll actually eat it. “Jimmy won’t eat his broccoli (Ezra Miller), but what if deep fry it and cover it in cheese (Michael Keaton)?”
Perfect Kinja right here.
Stephen Woolfenden has “stepped in to shoot the first two episodes” of Willow replacing former director Jonathan Entwistle — who, himself, has been brought in to replace John M. Chu last January.
You know what? I’m going to trust that the guy who is the best story teller in Star War has a really good reason for introducing Hera this early in series.
Dude wut?
I’m imagining the encounter-group conversation between Owen Lars and Gobi.
Chopper best be getting to the murdering next week! He better be the reason why the empire went from clone to enlisted troopers so quickly.
I get the distinct impression that the fetal clones are getting aborted, and the kids euthanized. Even creepier, activate the kids’ inhibitor chips and turns into Logan’s Run and/or Cloud Atlas.