
Game tells me I need to wait 30 minutes for to launch.

“Makesdeath fast and fun” You guys know the point of the game is to not die at all right?

Devirsity sucks. I never get it why could the stoner guy can’t be just a stoner guy. Him being also a A sexual brings nothing to the story. I thought sex doesn’t matter. Since when is that the main issue bigger then the he is a stoner and lives on a couch. I really wish bojack’s kid was not so boring. Also pretty sure

RnM was an adult geeky show about a mad scientist that drinks.

A feature called “No Headphone jack” WTF is wrong with the world!

We would not have to destroy them but they simply do not eject their cargo .... My kids will stay hungry tonight ...

Ha that is the baby of that baby, that before SC had 3 other babies

The only good bug is a dead bug.

I bought a bycical of Amazon this year, it has been sold for 5 years before that. Am I not allowed to review it now? No time censorship allowed in RL

Valve desision is brilliant. Every not braindead human understands a week long major spike in a graph and ifentifies that as manipulation of reality. Really incredible way to put faight that the majority of you customers are smart enough to handled more information better then less. Understanding the Why before blind

It costs less to pay for some one to take off that skirt :) those poor kidz

Great, it’s an other “comedy” gamer show. Is it about Arcade Pro gamers? Or VR pro gamers? Can’t wait meanwhile watching TI7, you know real Esports.

Dude a couple of years ago I herd news in Germany a kid invented a system with cameras that checks for you if there is people behind you door before you open it, they said it was brilliant even blind people can get out of their car now :)

So let me get this straight. Video Games prevent Terorisym and gun abuse. LaaaaaL What happened? 

Necro Warrior, an AI-controlled

The real joke is they are not referred as hackers, cowboys or Cyberpunks but plane thieves. What a shame. I call a wonderful PR fake story from CD Projekt.

Not gonna read this BS, just leaving a comment. The job to pay women for their time is one of the oldest. If you’re just playing games with them that’s your problem not there’s.

So are you telling me Blizzard lost their Source Code and some nice guy returned it to them. What a player, just deleting it is like so not 322 .

5 min after patch. Verified number, start a game. 2 out of 5 teammates had verified numbers ... No that is not how this should work.

Axe has only one, just one Immortal. Poor artists, have to get a real job just as the dota 2 players have, that buy their items. Axe has fire items no one makes better cause they are out of ideas. There will always be the best hat for a slot even in CS:GO