
I beleive the term is simply “Platform Fighter”

It looks more like a PS2 game. The geometry is too good for the PS1.

Yeah, A Machine For Pigs was done by The Chinese Room, of Dear Esther and Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture. It was creepy, but nowhere near as scary as The Dark Descent. For one they removed the way looking at monsters hurts you, which made the monsters far less terrifying.

Outlast is significantly better than A Machine for Pigs primarily because there’s no real risk to the player in A Machine for Pigs. The game is often described as a glorified walking simulator with added mood lighting, and this is generally accurate.

The Dark Descent, by contrast, is full of mortal danger for the

The first time I accidentally lured that critter into the fleshly equivalent of a woodchipper, I thought, “Okay, I’ve got this.”

Then the real Lovecraftian narrative began, and I realized that I was so, so boned.

I both hate this idea, and love it.

How was it a technically choice? Do you think the PS1 would have overheated if your character could both move, and shoot? I’m pretty sure there were FPS, and TPS games on the PS1, and earlier. Goldeneye seemed to handle it pretty well, and that was on the N64.
The tank controls were meant to make things more difficult,

I would say it’s more PS2 than PS1..

Still makes me jump today haha.

Lasers, yeah, meh. Add the sound it makes. You’re driving peacefully absolutely wrecking your cars in 300MPH around downtown, when suddenly... *BRRRRRRRRAWWWWAAUAUUUMMMMMMMMMM*

Wii U has been the least dissapointing console for me.

No we cant because no one is allowed to enjoy any movie that is not considered a massive success. Oh you like Transformers? Well you don’t have good taste in films and you shouldnt be allowed to watch anything.

Really just seems like the person writing this is someone with too much time on their hands is trying to over complicate kids movies with their own logic. We can’t just enjoy movies anymore is what I get from this article.

I’m enjoying the fact that so many of us loved the music so much.

Not enough. I think, in general, that she deserves a raise, because she has reported and written some of the most interesting articles about video games over the past year or two.

A few things here.

It was uploaded yesterday, Kojima tweeted about it today. You know what is funny? I was already off work; it’s Friday night. Instead of heading off into the weekend right away, I decided to stay late to post a quick thing that I thought people might enjoy. This weekend, I’ll probably be on the lookout for Pokemon news

The first thing that popped into my head.