
I consider AC games to be some of the best looking wasted potential!

I want English love plus

So, for the majority, movies with video games as a central theme, not necessarily based on video games.

Synchro rate 400% :

Not sure if anyone remembers Sega Lock-On -

Thank God, stay dead

Good. Zelda is about your adventure as Link, not some television show director's vision.

And in a sauna trying to seduce another guy. (An article on Kinja not long ago about unpleasant stories from people having met a celebrity).

I don't mind that people hate Episode I, that's perfectly their right. What I loathe is this elitist mentality that if you don't hate this movie with a passion, you can't be a "real" Star Wars fan. I grew up on these films, "New Hope" is my favorite film of all time, I have comics, action figures, all of it. Yet

I am the walrus.
- V. I. Lenin

All we are saying.. is give collectivism a chance!

I'm 100% with you on this one. GREAT production but it was honestly not a good MMPR movie. They could have gone dystopian and gritty but still kept it feeling like Power Rangers at the core.

I'm totally with you on this one. I'd love to see a grittier Power Rangers but you have to keep the soul of Power Rangers in it, otherwise it won't feel like Power Rangers at all, like this thing. For what it is it's excellent, but it isn't Power Rangers.

The fucking dubstep. Nopenopenope. Dubstep does not belong anywhere near Power Rangers.

It's a shame they won't keep Garfield. The character could start with some history. Gwen in his past. No need to redo the origin. Garfield was a better Spidey than Maguire.

I think it's a bit silly to just ditch Garfield like that, especially given his passion for the role. Why not include him and adjust the story to fit as having taken place after ASM2? The loss of Gwen would play nicely into Spidey's mood and the tone of Civil War as a whole.

I liked Garfield. I'll miss him.

"Unfortunately for Jill, who probably just wants to get on with the whole zombie apocalypse situation, her sweater puppies (I'm sorry, this bosom slang is only going to get worse) are completely non-compliant. Jiggling around like they've been possessed by some kind of demonic spirit, Jill's rather excitable funbags