
I just watched the first episode and already, holy shit... I'd have to agree.

As somebody that works in the video game industry, I knew a fellow software engineer who was EXACTLY like Taro. It took five years before my department canned him and told him the problem was that not only was he incompetent but his presence only caused more work for everybody else.

No other aspect of Shirobako is half as aggravating as Taro. Like Aoi, Taro is a production assistant. Unlike Aoi, he's simply incompetent. He is the cause of numerous problems throughout the first half of the anime. He misses meetings and deadlines, hits on the female staff, and completely expects other people to get

It's hard to imagine, but it wasn't until Resident Evil 5 that Resident Evil became a multi-platform series. Resident Evil was a PlayStation-friendly franchise until Nintendo briefly snatched it up for Resident Evil 4. The Saturn version of Resident Evil came a full year later.

What might prove most controversial with Resident Evil fans is the ability to ditch the game's tank controls. Love 'em or hate 'em, the game was designed and balanced for a slow-moving character. In Resident Evil, you had to rotate the character left or right to move them in a new direction. The game didn't have

I think a Frat House sequel to Bully would be just amazing! A peak into the lives of prep school sports, rituals, and parties would be so epic. I'm not holding my breath for Bully2 or Red Dead3 but there's always GTAO: Heists - oh wait..

Jimmy has so much higher moral standards to fall into GTA; he's actually one of the few Rockstar protagonists that's relatable... Possibly only because he doesn't got access to guns.

I'll disagree in that I prefer the feel of Gamecube, but no doubt this is the easiest solution.

People providing voice over for videos should probably be held to a higher standard of diction than the average person.

Nintendo has tried to innovate, and change up their controllers as much as possible, while i see little to no difference in Playstation, and Xbox controllers. They just got smaller, and and added a few small things. Not saying they are bad, but they really didn't try anything new with their controllers. I like many of

This is the same as when they announce that a new Zelda is being worked. It's nice to have direct confirmation, but duh. Like, I thought they've said a million times that they start experimenting on their next console the second their current one is done.

I chuckled at the part of Skyfall after the house blows up when Silva tells one of him mooks to "make sure Bond's dead," because not only is that more foresight than any other Bond villain has ever shown, it totally lined up with the whole backstory/parallel thing they had going on— of course he's going to make

Aaaand now no one else needs to comment, because you basically made the joke that everyone else wants to. :|

No mention of this...aspect?

Actually, if we were being true to FF VII, there would be really rudimentary 3D movies, and the actual game would just be pre-rendered backgrounds with very low-poly character models.

While that sounds like the coolest thing ever, that's probably because you're imagining it using Nintendo motion controls, which, unlike the competition are great and implemented properly, making for a truly immersive experience.

In all of your ranting about how games are having the essence sucked out of them by speed-runs... you seem to be blissfully unaware of the journey it took those players to be able to do a record-setting speedrun in the first place.

Yep, there are multiple kinds of runs. Honestly, a glitch run requires an insane amount of skill too (you could argue more, depending on how hard the glitch is to pull off).

There are more kinds of speedruns than the one's you're talking about. You're thinking of Any% runs, in which you get to the end as fast as possible. There are also 100% runs, where you have to complete everything the game has to offer (collecting all items, maxing your level, etc.) and complete the game as fast as

I've been working out almost daily for the last two years and now I know what I am missing;