Diggity Bigs

I was probably 8 or so when I saw those movies, and I can safely say although I liked the original series pretty well I have very few memories of the prequels. I remember thinking Darth Maul was the shit, but as a child JarJar really didn't make an impact.

Yeah!! Kids today have it so easy, sitting on their computers. They have noo idea what it's like having hard, calloused hands from spending 14 hours a day in the coal mines. So spoiled.

Ted, I'm going mad

There wouldn't have to be water on gem planets since they don't need to drink since they're rocks. I just got that!

Nope. He was just a guy who really really loved that MST3K episode and felt comforted by strange things. This wasn't something he went around telling people.

Anybody else get flashbacks to Invader Zim?

I have a friend who used to love this movie so much he kept it on his phone and would watch it on the bus! No, not even the MST3K version. I'll never get that guy.

As someone who feels an obligation to watch all movies that the Always Sunny cast shows up in, I'm pretty psyched about this.

Oh no, quickly, which god can will accept human sacrifice as payment for making the new X-Files good!? I'm running out of time!

Well I know I was pretty happy when The Waldo Moment ended


Now this is a cause I could get behind! He can have all the change in my pocket AND the box I live in

Mine too. I like all of that show a lot, but I thought the first one was great because I have literally never seen anything like that. Very original show and stuff, but I wouldn't even know what to compare The National Anthem to. And that's pretty cool.

Yeah, I'll bet

No, it's like selling people a tragedy where you have to sit through five hours of a really heavy handed parody show that's tonally nothing like the good part first.

Are you trying to tell me there's something ill conceived about my tankapult!?

oh man, no, giggitygooballs was. he was mocking anothy horowitz's comment. this is all flying pretty high over your head isn't it?

So nice of them to name Dragon's Blade after every self published from mom's basement fantasy novel ever written

(pssst, hey buddy, he's making a joke.)

The fact that I don't have to watch his big douchey face recite the tweets to me doesn't do the vines any favors either.