
Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently

I am with you partly, Clinton + Bush families=24 years in WH (senior B 4 yrs VP+ 4 yrs P, junior B 4+4 yrs P , C 4 +4 yrs P) , so monorchy right? No, No democracy!! Nooooo we supported Arab-spring to oust monarchies!! Old UK is new USA free country. cool stuff!!

Whats the Issue? People hate him for supporting trump? Its Hilarious how big of babies people are if you disagree politically.

LOL...Google and Facebook do all sorts of questionable shit in support of Hillary and the tech media is mum. One of the few tech billionaires is discovered to be a Trump supporter. OH THE HORROR!