Seriously, WTF was that? Lots of latent homosexuality brewing in that arena.
Seriously, WTF was that? Lots of latent homosexuality brewing in that arena.
Sounds kinky.
Fuck Gar Forman
Burn in Hell, GarPax. Good luck next year selling tickets to NOT see Jimmy Butler play. Like Illinois doesn’t suck enough already. FML.
He’s like a horse in a parade...leaving a trail of shit behind him.
Fuck Keith Hernandez and his couch.
It looks like Hedges did indeed give Rizzo a path to the plate. Catchers are sitting ducks...looking at the baseball while a lumberjack barrels full speed towards you.
At what point does he OD on caffeine?
My buddy’s son has a friend who was convicted of a DUI. He had a in-dash breathalyzer by order of the court. When the order expired his parents paid to keep the monitor in the car. This kid is no damn fun at parties.
I wonder if there is a time of day that I could pass a zero tolerance breathalyzer. My theory is no.
They knew Floyd was drunk because he kept telling them to run the picket fence.
God damn right.
At a KFC.
I already ordered the PPV 6 months ago from a legitimate looking Nigerian version of Showtime. Cost me $5,000, but I’ll get that back and then some when the Sultan unfreezes his inhertance.
I propose the two square off in an academic quiz bowl. Or Teen Jeopardy. I would pay.
How do you feel about non-college age drunk Americans? Asking for a friend.
If KD and LBJ (not the President) have tought the world anything, it is to join a winner.
Drive defensively. I do, and have never been in a wreck.
Glass houses, Captain Buzzkill.