i listen to rap and love megan and cardi but i was disappointed in the video? i DO like that there are no men since the whole focus is hoes looking out for their own pleasure. i thought the costumes and the set could have been so much more extreme? matching corsets with capes = kinda meh. boobs out leopard was alright.…
I’m in an open relationship and right now I have a short, a medium and a tall partner. I’m 5'3 and I love dating guys the same height as me! It’s so nice to be able to kiss without breaking my neck, holding hands is easier, plus I can toss him around in bed (although he’s pretty stocky and strong). ;) Go for it!!
My 60-year old mom calls him ‘stupid dickhead.’ “What’s the stupid dickhead done this week?” and I always know who she means. :)
I always liked ringing the bell at the top of the rope. What’s wrong with the rope climb? I was in gymnastics and we did it all the time. We also had it in PE class at school (outside since we didn’t have a gym).
I got fired 2 years ago for reporting that a 70 year old delivery driver came up behind me at the copier, grabbed me by the arms and kissed me on the neck. Apparently this meant I wasn’t ‘a good fit for the team’ and then that asshole tried to block my unemployment claims saying I wasn’t qualified. Now I work for…
Ooo your descriptions make me love it even more!
I don’t fully understand why but I’m drawn to this one. Maybe it’s the fact that the pattern is replicated on the individual tassels as well? It reminds me of a cool bead curtain mixed with a lava lamp. Plus it’s great for when you need to cry in public but you don’t want anyone to see you.
Not gonna lie I really like these..but I don’t wear heels or real fur. I am just obsessed with orange and weird shoes.
Do you live in a place with Kroger or Publix? You can load all the coupons onto the store loyalty card online. Then if she buys something that applies it will automatically take off the coupon. Coupons kind of suck now unless you’re buying a lot of boxed/canned foods.(I tried getting into it a few years ago, and ended…
Yeah I can only swim over them after a serious pep talk and hopefully the pool is really deep. :/ I heard way too many horror stories as a kid (which maybe some were fake? either way i am creeped out still).
I’ve been afraid of pool drains my whole life too! When I was on swim team I hated being assigned to the lanes with the drains. I think it made me swim faster to get away from them though. Eeeeeeeeek.
I do understand being annoyed about women’s equality having to take a backburner to whatever other cause people came for and I respect that. I think many people viewed the march as a sort of catch-all for all people on the left to show up.
Someone summon Kara...is it shade that the photo specifically highlights his fake tan and his tiny hands? Is it shade that he used a portrait of Churchill as inspiration, showing how shitty trump looks in comparison?
I made my sign in InDesign and printed it out. No sloppy text for me!
I’m a Palatino Linotype person myself.
Yesss!! I too want to Lift All The Things. I love to laugh when people say ‘don’t lift that box, it’s too heavy for you!’ FU I can dead lift 155 lb get off my nutz.
Lololol that sounds great!