Just let people enjoy things.
Just let people enjoy things.
You can say that about just about any game especially given that what people are into is subjective.
This wouldn’t be half as controversial if Blizzard hadn’t unequivocally bowed to the Communist party in its Chinese-language announcement. Translated:
Do we need a new article every time someone uses readily available hardware to hook up a new device to an old TV? Sure, it’s nifty, but it’s not exactly technological wizardry, and Gizmodo posted a near identical article a year ago, which I’m pretty sure I’m only aware of because Kotaku shared it.
Yeah, after watching the trailer, my only thought was “that’s the point.” I think it makes the whole thing that much creepier, that a guy who is charming and handsome and not setting off peoples’ internal “creeper or weirdo” alarms was capable of so much evil.
Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.
Being old enough to remember his arrest, subsequent trial, and dearth of documentaries for the next decade; this is exactly how the narrative was pushed.
“Bundy, Monster Hiding Behind a Handsome Face” or what seemed like a hundred different takes on that title. Every documentary focused on how handsome he was, how…
But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him.
I don’t even understand what the implied play is. Summer 2019 is not election season. Whose election would it be boosting even if summer 2019 was election season? Her mother’s? Hers? Are we really trying to argue that having a new baby is an asset to a female politician? If Hillary we think 3 grandbabies is what it…
Obviously, they are having the baby so it can run for President.
Or maybe Chelsea and her husband just wanted a third kid and realized that they have the means to have one. I know we’ve all been coached to overthink her motives and moves since she was a preteen because “there are no innocent Clintons” or whatever but this woman has literally been bullied and called names by grown…
Yah, fuck you. People like you enable the economically strong to punish the weak for arbitrary bullshit like this.
I don’t see anything wrong with that--looks like a lovely day! /Canadian
The fact the Tesla is on dry pavement and the truck is on snow/ice/water was a cute touch, I’ll admit.
Yes, the video is staged by Tesla Trip’s Patrick Lawson and his sister—but that doesn’t mean they made it easy on themselves.
It plays into the insecurities of a certain small subset of Tesla owners, I think.
Seriously, there are areas of this country where a stunt like this is going to result in gunfire.
Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well.
the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.
“Um excuse me yes I’d like to file a complaint.”