David Tennant's Ego

Winter tires = good. Knowing how to appropriately drive in snowy conditions = better.

As a former employee for an unnamed dealership I can confirm it’s standard procedure to take the customer’s car for a quick test drive (5-10 min, usually a few at highway speed) after pretty much any work just to make sure there was no critical error. It may seem silly, but my owner’s view was if there we fucked up and

I think you’re confusing tax planning and tax evasion. Tax planning is the use of legitimate means in intended fashion to reduce your tax burden. Tax evasion is the use of illegitimate means, or the use of legitimate means in unintended fashion, to avoid paying taxes you would have owed had you followed both the

How exactly will substantial cannabis tax revenues be distributed to provincial governments? Perhaps tellingly, federal authorities have yet to publicly address any of these huge questions.”

Right? I don’t live in Hali but from what I gather the municipality decided to take this opportunity to restrict smoking of any kind to designated smoking areas (as opposed to the previous practice of having designated non-smoking areas).

My province (Nova Scotia) is the only jurisdiction in the world to sell legal liquor and cannabis under the same roof. The provincial government already owns the crown corporation that operates liquor stores in the province, so they basically just built little dispensaries in 12 of the existing stores (they also

Ask away!

Fuck the people who won’t buy it? I mean the guy isn’t a saint by any means, but he just decided that he doesn’t want to run it anymore and won’t sell it for less than what he could realize should he not sell it. Don’t hate the player, hate the market economy and shitty tax legislation created by people a plurality of

Very high.

You know this is the bank that owns City National, right? They don’t say sorry, they just write off a settlement.

Sure, but when the organizing body of said sport does shit all to rein in the guy provoking everyone there’s no reason to feign surprise. Dana White brought this himself as McGregor should have been pulled before the PPV even went on sale.

Came here to say just this. People think I'm phone Jesus just for getting 11GB for $60/mo up here.

You can get one for about $5.

The van didn’t collect any other vehicles, the report said, landed on the roundabout.”

I went to a white church (like rural Canada white) and mass was from 6-7pm. Who’s even awake at 2:30?

- *Doesn’t like article about Fortnite*

“...or joining the crew that Ethernet-connected four Xboxes together for weekly Halo deathmatches.”

-1 star for throwing back to a shitty and outdated term.

It’s shitty to wish death on anyone (though a select few exceptions come to mind).

Oh if you’re here for nostalgia you’re going to hate what JJ’s planning for the Skywalker saga...