David Tennant's Ego

“I’d like to point out that no one even remembers which song Swift won the award for, while “If you like it, then you should’ve put a ring on it” has cemented itself in the mainstream cultural lexicon.”

I started my career in sales and can tell you that what’s described here isn’t upselling, it’s straight up lying.

You don’t know much about how MLB staffing works, do you? Bat and ball boys/girls are always supplied by the home team.

What level are you? Introductory, certified perhaps? Congratulations, you and 70% of everyone else that’s taken the test. It’s not rigorous training to be honest, and it’s all within a very restricted environment. I mean blind taste test six wines you’ve practiced on for years and a paper exam? Hardly the Gauntlet,

As someone with a trained palate as well (food scientist) I can tell you that the flavour profiles are extremely similar and any major differences you are perceiving in taste are likely psychological. The after-taste is stronger with Diet Coke, but it’s still very present with Coke Zero.

Google Keyboard has had this feature for a while now lol, great to see Apple playing catch-up.

Uhhh try more like 20-50, and the term ajar was hardly specific to the Chryslers of the time. “Door Ajar” lights were the words, rather than the symbols, for many makes and models right up to the late 90's/early 00's.

Lol hot take

Not quite car related, but in Nova Scotia every able-bodied male over the age of 16 is legally required to shovel the public highways after a snowfall that would make them impassable. Not enforced obviously, but still on the books!

Preferences aside, that’s just shoddy stucco work that was never thought through. Can you imagine having to work around those to raise and fix the sagging roof in the middle? No wonder it’s been so neglected over the years.

What’s with the love for shitty stucco pillars and terrible siding? That entire design was an eyesore, looked much better as a cookie-cutter home.

I’m also Canadian and I totally see how this is a matter of systemic institutional racism, not gun laws #NotAllCanadians

Meh I feel where OP is coming from. This technique is terribly limited to when you’re standing in shallow water, and who ever loses their shit in shallow water? Short of goggles, open eye-ing it is the only way you’ll be getting your object back in deep water.

Yes, and there’s a tool to deal with that that doesn’t add stress to an already broken system. There’s worse shit happening in matches that someone singing about their junk, so until that can be managed by the system in place adding anything else to the pile is just compounding the problem.

Perfect, +1 to the backlog. That’s gonna be a great help in getting to the bigger issues like abusive/racist/sexist chat, and throwing matches. Take a look at the system, realize the state it’s in, and do your part to lighten the load. When it’s clear Blizzard can implement a more robust system, then report to your

Regardless of how you were raised, there’s already a tool to deal with twats you don’t want to listen to on chat. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot worse behaviour going on besides John Doe singing Ball Star (buh dun tssssh), so I’ll be saving my reports for the racism and abuse until Blizzard gets the system

Some bold assumptions you’re making as I’d find it pretty damn annoying myself. But I tend to reserve my reports for those who are actually abusive and not just annoying, so we don’t get broken ass ineffective reporting systems like this. Simply put, Blizzard has already provided a tool so you don’t have to listen to

Umm mute them? There’s a time and a place for reporting, someone singing about their dick isn’t really one of them. It’s frivolous overeporting like this that weakens the reporting system all around. 

It’s called a fascinated strawberry. They grow when part or all of the plant sees low amounts direct sunlight. The berry basically starts growing out in all directions looking for sunlight, hence why it looks like a few berries fused together. It’s also why it’s kind of flat, as growing out more sun than growing down.

When building/buying a home, you should always check to see if the location is within a 100 year flood plain (ie floods once about every 100 years under normal conditions). If it is, seriously reconsider the location or make sure you do the work upfront to prevent substantial damage in the event of a flood.