sorry, a short stack is 3 cakes
sorry, a short stack is 3 cakes
the amazing thing that i have noticed about their builds, is that everything has a factory look, character lines match nicely. you look at the bizarro creation, whatever it is, and wonder why it would have been done any other way. AND their stuff is practical, usable .its a shame more companies dont pay as much…
yeah, i got to learn something new today. only seen one in real life in person, moving the other direction in traffic, several times, briefly.(it lives at the edge of town.)
or maybe some suicide looking removable back doors, that meet at the back of the fronts.(ala lincon continental 4 door)
as per the wiki page.
maybe a 2 door with 4 door option. be a shame to throw away heritage like that.
prepped ,but street legal demolition derby car
what is the other car you are going to get ? you did sell off the hummer AND the skyline right? model t. and demo car