
No, it isn’t. It was written about a specific battle, numbnuts.

Throwing bricks is the best kind of “protest”. I want all Trumpies to live in terror of leaving the house. Anything less is a loss in my book.

Simmons is garbage and he’s done. Fuck him and fuck “cousin Sal” too.

I’m married to a Pam who is decidedly not a racist. But names are irrelevant. DEATH TO ALL TRUMPIES...this is war, there will be no “tolerance” on my end.

When a construction project suddenly stops, it means only one thing: they’re out of money and that’s that.

Fuck off and die, Rudy.

Unfettered scorched earth war on Trumpies, it’s the only way to go. Don’t let your foot off their throats for even one second. You’ve peaked, Trumpies, from here on out you’re the enemy. Watch your backs.

Highly unlikely, as hypnosis isn’t real and if it was things like this would be commonplace.