
these challenges are all good and well, but it really all comes down to the track and driver. Soloman did his own bit with the top 5 hyper cars and the 918 spanked them all even the SS. But then another person did one and the 918 was the slowest the batch.

Really Sweet to watch.

the title is misleading, the person wasnt scared as hell. wasted 20 seconds to watch this crap.

If they so good, how could they let the bombing happened. not too mention its partly the french government to blame for letting these filth in. Its now a know fact that one of the bombers was a refugee that entered the country with no paper back in October and as well another one of the terrorist is known to be muslim

Looks more something James Bond would be flying, its gorgeous,.

Finally ronda got beaten by a real fighter and not some some wannabe. Guess she not a good as she claims to be. finally someone put her in her place and thats on the floor.

Mulsim Cowards, this is what happens where you let this filth in to the country. All these refugees and none are screened.

I though SEMA was for people in the industry, jusdging from these pictures and the amount of people it looks like its open to the public

Please if this scares some of you, you all then a bunch of pussies. We all know traveling to south America is dangerous, specially if you from the States, so you get whats coming to you.

lol payback a bit$h. Daddy will not save you now.

Heres a though shave the bear, since when do we change our military standard fit these filth. No wonder Canada is weak.

No wonder Canada is garbage, when you let filth like this run the show. Well its know Canada harbors terrorists, why not let them run the show too.

Heres an idea, how about you shut up and rather test on prisoners doing life sentences or death row inmates, They deserve all the pain they can bare and then some.

Still boring, sure we all going see unveiling but like the 918 it will be forgettable.

Should have gotten the death penalty, now he probably goes to prison away from the other dangerous inmates as child molester dont hang out wit the general inmates. When he should be raped and have his ass torn open.

Well they will not have to worry about washing the decks. lol

At least Kenseth got his revenge and least thats daddies boy is out of contention. Lagano is probably crying on his daddies shirt end as we all know his dad fights his battles.

True but she like it in the ass, so she’ll probably enjoy it.

Actually he doing nothing wrong. It's a shotgun and there no casing in the chanber or the firing pin is no were near. so the barrel basically just that a barrel.

Please this is just another copycat, who can not sing something orginal. She only wishes it sounded as good as lionel’s version which had heart, and soul. You could feel what he was singing, hers you felt nothing.