
Think we all can agree that Elon is the new Bill gates, Steve Jobs and that facebook guy. I have always been asked that question name a celebrity you would like to have dinner with and Elon is on top of my list.

still not impressed, still looks boring and outdated.

Granted the car looks great but way too expensive. for that price you can get a R8, which is faster, handles better, looks better and probably more reliable. They should have sold it for just under $100 000 like what Nissan did with the R35

and lets not forget he was probably speeding as well for that much damage to happen

We never went to the moon to begin with, all this was a hoax to make the russian believe the US got there first. If we did actually land on the moon why havent we been back and built a base there

They rather should be dropping a few place positioned nukes.

As good looking as the NSX is, $150 000 is way too much. for that price you can get a faster and better car. ie. the GTR or R8.

Still then make no point to have the rating system, if you leaving it up to the parents to decided what their kids can see. Hell I saw Cobra in 1986, I was 7 years old. now that movie was graphic at that time, hell I even saw nightmare on elm street, Rambo and I turnout fine. I dont believe in this bull&hit of that

Shame they didnt get hit, would serve them right to stand so close to the track. You would think over time people would have learnt.... Apparently not.

Please canada is made of a bunch of pu$$ies. you have people walking around Toronto wearing canada goose jackets which are made for sub zero temperatures like -15 or worse. and yet its only 1 degree and they already walking around with these jackets.

probably a customer GT car doing a photoshoot.

And all they going to get is a slap on the wrist, as we all know the justice system turns a blind eye on the rich.

Still looks boring and outdated in my opinion.

Typical amateur racing. This is way no ones interested in GP2 racing

That is one hell of a driver. dont say this too often but I take my hat off to him.

Ok cupid also has the rep for hookup. and probably one of the few sites where you find the easiet woman alive in your area. thats a fact.

Are you kidding me, the Nissian GTR-LM... It was the slowest of the LM cars and if my memory is correct couldn’t even finish a 24 race or was dozens and dozens of laps behind the leader. it was a joke.

One word. DuckTape. Tape the rugrats mouths shut. peace and quite for the while trip.

Regardless of the script issues and video blunders. F&F series is one of the most successful franchise and any guy that loves cars quite frankly doesn’t care about the errors. So just shut up and enjoy the movie

what ?!?!? the track pays F1 to race there. you would think its the other way round. After all F1 is using the track and everything that goes with it. Mor a service and rent.