It’s exhausting that so many people on the left thought the riot was a win for the left. The right could not have asked for a better outcome.
It’s exhausting that so many people on the left thought the riot was a win for the left. The right could not have asked for a better outcome.
Great, thanks, now I’m seriously worried about other shit.
You are indeed an idiot, glad to see you came around.
Well at least the weebs will have something different to cry about other than molesting/undressing/romancing underage anime girls.
It’s not even a little bit ambiguous. Maybe it is denser than you are accustomed to, but it is perfectly clear. You are reading it incorrectly. Not just differently. Incorrectly. You are embarrassing yourself by insulting the writer and editor when they are indisputably correct. This isn’t even a case where legalese…
Read that whole graf: You have to meet both requirements to comply with the NFL’s gambling policy, not to be in violation.
Look at the wording. It equates to:
The codes were used to get the boat in Goldeneye’s Dam level in order to get to the island in the distance.
Assuming that’s true, it’s even fucking sadder, dude. Look at the god damn book you posted further down about tritration pressing or whatever the fuck. You ostensibly like this failing juice company so much that you are posting multiple responses on multiple websites defending it. For free.
Oh, whatever. Everybody knows that pot is not a big deal and that it’s our laws that need modernizing. You’re not an “addict” if you want to be able to fly with some marijuana. Get off your high horse there, buddy.
You’re view is actually a very simplified and also incorrect view of a complex issue. The government wanting inflation is not a dirty little secret. The target is 2% annually and it’s been that way for awhile. Very very public. The other person who responded is correct. If wages rise then this will cause a supply…
Raising the minimum wage typically lowers the maximum wage for execs, as it should. Wage disparity is out of whack right now. It’s a winner take all mentality until things go pear shaped and those very people say there’s no way I can keep track of everything, I can only accept the wage that says I should.
There’s a better (normal speed) video out there
Nah. Jeb just forgot to turn on the SAS before launching.
I guess Russia’s procedures on destroying out-of-control vehicles are a little different than ours.
If I needed to do it I absolutely could. I just don’t have a beer and take a drive tho, but if something happens and I had to I would. Because I could drive on one beer..
I’m an eternal fence sitter about kids and on the same page with you. Not meaning to convince you any which way, but right now (might be different later) I figure if I don’t want them like crazy, then I shouldn’t make them.
if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.