Diesel Panda

It’s beard molting season in Williamsburg too, so in theory we could have clean shaven hipsters flush with money that didn’t come from there allowance. Pickle backs for everyone!

As a bearded TDI owner in Portland, I will be waiting until tomorrow morning to actually yell that out my window.

How else does that wealthy family unwrap their car in their front yard come Christmas time?

oh the other trunk..

Is this Alissa Walker's burner account?

E36 is completely flat rectangle, isn’t it?

I thin e36 headlights are flatter and squarer

Looking at the big picture, this might be more revealing then we might think. A new Ferrari engine caught on fire, the gear box is said to have been pouring smoke, both Ferraris rocketed away from the starting line like… rockets. Is there something that links it all together? I think Ferrari was trying to make a

If I knew this individual I would now be driving to his house to slap him silly.

...but 100% of jalops will troll!

Mostly flat highway, 65 mph max, no cruise control, and a light foot. He was making a point on that drive that it could be done with adjustments in driving.

Ugh I’m so tired of “eight is great and six can eat a bag of dicks” argument. If I can drive around a vehicle with two cyl and get the same or better performance than a vehicle with eight then who gives a shit.

I’ll be happy when the RCR leg-humping has passed.

Neutral: Why Is Subaru Such A Hit?

Don’t touch it; don’t even point at it!

I never said he did.

Awd is not a winter tire replacement.

3rd gear: turns out his golden parachute was actually golden jetpack that can transmute into a golden helicarrier