So you work at Home Depot?
So you work at Home Depot?
What is the purpose of the Olympics? For the few thousand bureaucrats who divvy up the Games, give out contracts,…
Must be nice to be able to afford to crush a car. Even one as questionable as a Journey.
I am not gonna argue with ANYONE on the value proposal offered by Prius.
Neither have I ever let MPG dictate my garage occupants
I am not sure If I understand your point, but I am NOT willing to spend $10k extra to buy a electric car. I guess I didn’t mention it.
Anyone who says sleep is for the weak is almost certainly under 30 years old (and without kids).
Jalopnik has really gone to shit in the past few years.
Better than 4 Tesla stories a day
I know. It’s so strange that one of the biggest car sites in the world is covering the rebuild of the biggest car show in the world after the world’s biggest car journalist was fired from it.
You expect anything less from a Gawker site?
Well, gawker kicked everyone out who wouldn’t tow the company line of more clicks and comments for more money.
But they need clickbait! It’s like, crazy and stuff.
Guys, come on. How many TG stories is this now in the last 24 hours, eight? Nine?
I kind of wish the US govt would have forced Volkswagen Group to buildout a biodiesel infrastructure. This would have helped emissions and reduce dependency on the world oil market. I’m assuming diesel emissions are mostly contributed by heavy machinery (construction) and other catalyst-less vehicles.
If Tiger was driving a convertible on that fateful day he would be dead. FORE!
Don’t you all have anything better to do than putter around here making puns? I bet your bosses are really tee’d off!
It would’ve been a shame for him to end up in a hazard-ous situation.