
Stir-frying is all about preparation. You should spend most of your cooking time chopping your vegetables and meat and preparing whatever sauce you are going to use. Also, a flat-bottomed skillet is much better for stir-fry on an American stove than a wok is. A wok is designed to be placed into a fire or over coals,

And it's only not a brutal call if you're a Red Wings fan. Since I'm neither a 'Hawks or Wings fan, I'll say that the call was ticky-tacky at best. In the playoffs, you don't make that call. In the regular season, you probably don't make that call. Was it brutal, no, but it was a bad call.

+1....more minute of hold time

Who in your estimation is most likely to have sold his/her soul to the devil in exchange for mind-numbing, Scrooge McDuck swimming in money success- Steven Spielberg, Dr. James Andrews or Oprah?