That’s absurd. Just don’t fucking punch people. Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities about his appearance or whatever.
That’s absurd. Just don’t fucking punch people. Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities about his appearance or whatever.
Which was a counter-punch to her basically saying “I first realized I liked you when I saw you get fucked in the ass in that one movie.”
I don’t think the joke works if it doesn’t imply that Jonah Hill is ugly in some way. In this case, fat. It just doesn’t work. You couldn’t do that joke with another actor who is seen as very attractive. Even if you could, in the context of him being an overweight guy, that’s how it’s going to be perceived.
Meh - this joke came after he joked she was slutty “I heard you got sodomized a lot” which in the PC world is equally “not cool”.
A man making a gendered joke at the expense of a women is punching down.
No, just an example of a double standard.
I agree, though even more so I don’t think he deserved to be the punchline. I don’t know the dude and his inner feelings are none of my business, but he seems like a plainly nice fellow who prefers to be laughed with than laughed at. I would have been pissed too. This wasn’t some benign teasing. It was kind of vile…
And in the context of that movie it was funny. This “joke” wasn’t in any such context.
She implied she wouldn’t fuck him but would fuck his good looking friends...if he brought them to her.
I just want to know what you think the punchline of the joke is. To me the joke is this: “Hey, baby, I’d take you back to my hotel room. (wink, wink) Oh, and then I’d sleep with guys who attractive, unlike you fatty.” The humor (such as it) comes from the misdirect. She pretends to be saying she’d sleep with him,…
Ornella is known to be pretty fucking obnoxious (for some reason one of my cousins loves her). So yeah, it was clearly about his weight.
Jonah hill is a power dynamic?
Why is punching Jonah hill punching upwards?
I’m saying this joke was inappropriate, and he was well within his rights to be offended by it. Is that a difficult concept for you to understand?
If this was aimed at say Melissa McCarthy or Leslie Jones, Jezebel would be in stage three meltdown right now.
You’re losing the trees for the forest as it were...punching up/down means fuck all when we’re talking the in-person insulting (in front of an audience, no less) of someone with as much right have feelings and be hurt as the penis-less.
Yes, which is in response to the man telling her that he first decided he liked her when she did a scene where she got fucked in the ass first. That’s totally appropriate, right?
Are you fucking kidding me?
No, it’s not about his weight.
No, it’s not, because if the genders had been reversed, the focus here would have been on the inappropriateness of the joke. Because the gender dynamic is what it is, the focus of this article, and these comments is on Hills inability to “take a joke.”