
Plot twist. You were killed 20,000 miles ago, you are the found body, and this has all been purgatory. Be free gentle spirit!

Wow, I really like both yours and mazzieD’s points of view here. I still don’t know how I feel personally but you two have got me thinking about law and law enforcement in a different way. I really appreciate you two elevating the conversation.

That works too!

Yup. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you’ve gone too far in the moment like that. But if you can that’s also a great way to deal with it.

I’m at work and I can’t watch videos here but I really really hope the advice here is(if you are talking weed)to get away from people. If you find yourself way too high in a group setting and you all of a sudden become self aware enough that you haven’t actually said a word in about 10 minutes. You need to find away

I kind of took it as Amy is yet again playing someone from New York. Like her character in Train Wreck. Not sure where she is suppose to be from in Snatched though.

Lebron also stole a few scenes!

I wonder if not disparaging the McCain family legacy is part of the deal when being booked as a guest on the show?

OH, this is funny

I wish she could hear you!

My dad told me once that back in the day it was very common for stores to close for a full week just to do inventory. Could you imagine a Walmart today closing to do inventory?

I was young enough to think that what was happening to these guys was basically a flesh wound so to speak. I mean yeah they would get pretty banged up but in my mind I figured that since they came from pro skater backgrounds that they 1. had a lot of toughness 2. Made these stunts a sort of new sport for themselves.

Holy shit.

The only positive outcome I can see and I hate to see it in these terms, is changing demographics, and the baby boomers slowly dying off to the point where they can’t keep hurting us anymore. I know that’s not healing the divide that you speak of. But if they don’t have the votes then they can’t pass the laws and we

Yup. The nice/fun way to play the game would be to pick the coolest states that share your political values but that’s not how you play to win. The GOP controls a bunch of taker states right now. You can’t form a country like that. After Texas you better believe the Repubs are poaching blue states and making them just

Ketchup on that steak?

I think he use to be a lot more handsome.

I’ve never heard that before. Thanks for sharing.

So do they just have to throw out 3 steaks? Is this why steaks are so expensive at a restaurant? You have to pay for all of the strangers that send theirs back. Nothing gets returned more than a steak.

I know you didn’t ask me but I personally think he’s waiting till after the mid terms. If we really want to take down the president we are going to need more than just evidence. We are going to need political will. The GOP is going to have to get thumped in the midterm for any hope of these charges sticking.